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Outside my window

February 2013

I am thinking…
I do not want to speak at the Pre-Cana Day again.  I especially do not ever want to speak there again without Mr. Pete.

We got out evaluations today and it was a little maddening.

First of all, out of 44 people, only 1 evaluation thanked all of us (the entire Pre-Cana Team)  for giving up a Saturday to be there with them.

Only 1.

The general comments were that the speakers were unprofessional and unprepared, except for the comments that said some of the talks were too rehearsed! I think that since most of us are just regular people and not professional public speakers, we do pretty good.

Many asked for Power Point and for more games – basically, they want to be entertained, not educated, mentored or inspired.

 It was also disturbing to read so many attacks on the NFP talk. One woman said she thought it was too much talk about “children” and that she felt uncomfortable because she didn’t want any children. I wonder what priest she found to do her ceremony? There was also an atheist who enjoyed the day except for the “god parts” and another man who wrote that it wasn’t a sin to have premarital sex and that he had been with his lady for over a decade.

This is all very discouraging and I think my true niche as a speaker might be with people who actually WANT the information, instead of people who are required to be there.

I am thankful …
For a good start to the Lenten Season

From the learning rooms

  • Reading Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini (Stories of the Saints for Young People Ages 10 to 100) to Rosie. 
  • From the kitchen…
    Tonight is simple supper night on Wednesdays during Lent. Tomorrow I am making chicken with rice to use up all my extra chicken!

    I am wearing…
    Black pants, purple sweat shirt and blue fur lined jacket – it’s cold in here!

    I am creating…
    Medical reports – lots of em- Have to be done today so that I can go to the homeschool meeting tomorrow!

    I am going…
    to get at least three workouts in this week – Got two in already!

    I am reading…

    For Lent!

    I am hearing…
    the buzzing in my ears, he hum of the computer.

    A Picture to share…
    Finger puppets!

    January 2013 032

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    1 Comment

    1. Don't give up.
      Both my kids talked to us about the precana NFP talks. It impacted both non Catholic spouses even more.
      Both families now share info on NFP.
      Hang in there.

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