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Outside my window
Abandoned School

I am thinking…
that 20 years ago today I gave birth to Sam, my second son!  His Birth story is here!  The neat thing about having a blog that has been around so long, is that I have documentation on line of past birthdays!
2006 and here
2009 and here
2011 and here
2012 and here

I am thankful …
for Sam. Before he was born, we knew we were going to name him Sam, after one of my favorite uncles. His middle name is for my ex-brother-in-law.  We did that to honor him and pull our families closer together, for whatever that was worth. But from the moment he was born (a successful VBAC birth) Sam has been enriching my life.

20 is kind of a turning point.  Even though Sam is living at home while he works and is starting the process of going to college, I am giving him more freedom.  I don’t agree with some of his choices and I try to give him my sage advice, but it’s starting to sound more like a broken record instead of anything profound.  So I am learning to let go and let God guide Sam on his life’s journey – and that’s very hard for me.  Still I am very proud of Sam’s amazing work ethic.  He has proven to all of us and himself that he can work a job and be a real asset to his employer.  He is also making more of an effort to play his classical guitar and has started the admission process to school this summer. So I am sitting back and allowing myself to become part of the background of Sam’s life and just curious about where his adventure will lead.

From the learning rooms

  • Gabe and Noah are almost half way through The Red Badge. 
  • Spelling program per Dr. Holinga for all four kids. Dr. H. says the boys are doing very well and Rosie and Izzy are starting to find differentiating between short i and short e with a little more ease.
  • Instacert for History and start American History part 2
  • American History at Homeschool Connections Recorded Courses. 
  • Apologia Science – Physical for Gabe and Noah General for Izzy.
  • Saxon math for all with math tutor for Gabe and Noah.
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 3 – for Noah and Gabe
  • Diane Craft reading program for Izzy.
  • Farmer boy with Izzy.
  • Pathway readers for Rosie and the Wand for Language arts.

From the kitchen…
Birthday cake tomorrow and King’s Casserole as requested by Sam.

I am wearing…
Black pants and black sweat shirt

I am creating…
some arts and crafts for Rosie this week hopefully!

I am going…
be taking Noah to physical therapy two more times this week. He has some pretty intense stretches that he has to do three times a day.  Last Friday we also did the dry pinning that seems to have helped his leg to stretch even a bit more.



He hasn’t been complaining of knee pain, so I’m hoping all of this is starting to help!

I am reading…
We are having 40 ours of Eucharistic Adoration at our church this week and I have brought this book with me to pray with during the holy hour. It is very helpful and beautiful.

I am hearing…
the buzzing in my ears and the hum of the computer.

Photo I am Sharing

Sam and Mom
Me and Sam

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  1. So sorry about deleting the other comment. My linky was not working. Such a sweet post about your Sam. Thank you for sharing your heart about him. Visiting from SWD! Simply God's Girl

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