Letter to my daughter for her confirmation

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My Dearest Daughter,

I cannot believe that you are old enough to make your confirmation!!  The time has flown by for me!  When I was growing up, I always wondered what my own daughter would be like. And I was sure that I would have a daughter because I was the oldest daughter, of the oldest daughter, of the oldest daughter!

But after having your four brothers in a row, even I was beginning to have my doubts!  But God had you in the plan after all!

I was amazed when you were born – at your beauty and femininity -at  just at how lucky we were to have you!
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You were a special surprise too because you came  only 15 months after your brother Noah!  But as hard as it was having two babies at the same time, I love how close you two have always been, and grateful that you would always have each other to love and count on.

Of course you know you were named for your grandpa Isadore – whom I sure you would have loved very much.  In some ways you are very much like him – quietly keeping things to yourself, but very good natured  and fun to be around!
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I have always been concerned about teaching you how to be a godly and holy woman.  You certainly have tested me!  The day you knocked out all of our top front baby day stands out as one of the longest in my life – but you never let that stop you from smiling or being happy.

recital 004Izzy's new glasses
Teaching you to read has been a challenge too! But you stuck with it and we have persevered – you always do!

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Well, maybe not dancing.  You didn’t like dance class after a while- but at least you tried it!

dance 029I love that you have chosen Veronica for your confirmation name – and I LOVE the reason that you chose her!! You have always loved that saint because she did something very simple and ordinary, under extraordinary circumstances and with much bravery.  You absolutely amazed me when you shared that with me.  I had never thought of St. Veronica like that before!! and I will never see her in any other light.

Like St. Veronica, you have also managed to over come obstacles, like losing your teeth and correcting your speech as well as learning to read – little things – in an extraordinary way.  I’m so proud of you.

library 023Thanks also for being such a good big sister.  Despite being the baby yourself for six years, you quickly adapted to the role and have been a wonderful sister to Rosie.  I know how much she enjoys your company and looks up to you!

My little ladiesSisters izzy and Rosie

Rosie and Izzy making Valentines Day Cupcakes

Your first communion and reconciliation, confirmation gave you God’s grace and strengthened  you spiritually for the life ahead of you  – tap into those graces and ask for God’s help, love and mercy.
Ask God to help you to discern His plan for you,  that you may always honor Him in everything you do. Even in your art work and cake decorating
Valentines Day Party 2012Izzy art and cake 2012 013

I pray that even as you continue to grow up, you keep that purity and sweetness in your heart

But don’t lose your goofy side too – we all love that about you!!


And as long as I’m living I will thank God for my beautiful, kind, sweet and talented daughter.

Isadora and Rosie - Medieval Feast

Daddy and I love you honey, you still mesmerize us.


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