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Outside my window

The Christmas wreath is up!!

I am thinking…
a short rant… oh how I hate eBay.  I hate it with a burning passion!  Not as a buyer mind you. I love the great deals I find and I have always had very nice and reasonable sellers to work with.

But I really dislike being an eBay seller sometimes. Especially for picky customers that we go out of our way for to make the sale as smooth as possible, only to discover they can’t be pacified and now we have to get our instrument back and issue a refund.  Merry Christmas.

We’ve only done two big eBay sales this year and after this I am seriously considering just selling instruments via word of mouth or ads in musical magazines.  I think I’m done with this.

I am thankful …
that we got to take part in a special mass on Saturday.  The convent near us had one of their sisters take her first vows.  We watched her get her veil, and insignia and a ring!   They also crowned her with a wreath of roses.  It was the first time in my 53 yeas as a Catholic that I have ever witnessed this and it was so nice to see!  Afterwards, sister very graciously agreed to pose with Rosie! You can sort of see her little crown of roses on top of her veil.


From the learning rooms

  • Gabe and Noah are done with the Autobiography of Frederick Douglas and working on the essay questions. Reading A Wrinkle in Time as a Family now and they are all enjoying it very much.  They have half of the Grant video to watch.  
  • American History II on the Homeschool Connection this week for Gabe and Noah.  Middle School Civil War for Izzy. 
  • Spelling program per Dr. Holinga for all four kids.  
  • Apologia Science – Physical for Gabe and Noah  General for Izzy.  Astromy with Rosie. 
  • Saxon math for all with math tutor for Gabe, Izzy and Rosie- Noah is doing Algebra I, Saxon. 
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 3 – for Noah and Gabe
  • Diane Craft reading program for Izzy.
  • Back to Farmer Boy for Izzy’s reading. and the Story of Ping this week for Rosie. Pathway readers for Rosie and the Wand for Language arts.

From the kitchen…
I am thinking twice baked potatoes with a salad tomorrow.

I am wearing…
Black pants, purple shirt, and a heavy heart at having that sale go south.

I am creating…
a Christmas house- the creche went up today!

I am going…

  • To get a workout done whenever I can this week.  Might get a walk in tomorrow depending on how cold it is.   
  • To get in more flute practice time in.  One more concert and midnight mass looms ahead. 
  • Finish my Christmas shopping – which I think is actually done. 
  • Address Christmas cards. 

I am reading…
Finished he autobiography of Frederick Douglas with Gabe and Noah. Half way through Farmer Boy with Izzy

and Rosie is doing some copy work exercises to go with The Story of Ping.

 I’m thinking of either Death comes to the Archbishop for the next book or Riders of the Purple Sage. But for December all four of the kids and I are reading A Wrinkle in Time – we needed something lighter for the holiday season!  Only two chapters left so I’m not sure what to read after that.

I am hearing…
Gabe and a nice girl he brought home playing video games.

Video I am Sharing: 
From one of my recent concerts. 

Click here to shop the Gooseberry Patch Christmas Cookbook Collection!Holiday Cake Discount, Bake Me A Wish, Seasons Greetings Cakes
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  1. Your ebay comment struck a chord with me. I love shopping on ebay but had my first two bad experiences as a buyer within one week of each other last month. Both sellers were wrong (totally incorrect description, etc.) and got mean with me. They forced me to seek ebay intervention and I got immediate satisfaction from ebay and I got my money back within 24 hours. That was great. What made me pause was that I COULD have been lying and ebay wouldn't have known. As a seller, this gave me pause. I've never had a stinky buyer, but I guess the day will come eventually. And will it be worth it? Hmmm….

  2. I like ebay too, but your right. sometimes it is difficult. Dont let a few people stop you from offering a service and proving great products for the others!

  3. Thanks for your support Bobbie!

    Melody- any seller that chooses to get mean with a buyer is an idiot! The only thing to say to a dissatisfied buyer is "I'm sorry you weren't happy with your purchase. Please send it back and I will refund your money." I learned that the hard way when I tried to find out specifically what the buyer was unhappy with and they automatically escalated it with eBay and gave me bad feedback. I don't play that game any more. Send it back, get your refund. It just bites that this is happening around Christmas time as that was going to be our Christmas "bonus."

  4. Some ideas: Could sell on Amazon or have your own web site and sell direct (you can get some cheap web sites now) and they could still pay by Paypal. Amazon do take fees though.

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