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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary

1.  First and foremost today is Gaudete Sunday!

This is the day we  look ahead anxiously to the great feast of Christmas and increase our prayers and penance.  And if you haven’t been keeping up your prayers and penance at all here are some ways to get something out of the last week or Advent!

2. Sorry for the light blogging. After weeks of my various children sneaking sips out of my soda cans while I am still drinking from it – I have finally succumbed to a head cold – just in time to play my flute for Lessons and Carols today at Church! Nothing says “dead flute” like a plugged head – but I’m taking Zicam and Dayquil and hoping to be somewhat good to go by this afternoon.

3. Like everyone else, I was glued to the radio and t.v. trying to get information about the shooting on Friday. And then I was inundated on Facebook with my more liberal minded friends calling for gun control, and gun bans! The most clever thing I saw was this quip.

Guns kill people. They should be illegal.
Heroin and cocaine kill people- they should be illegal… oh wait…?

Anyway, I am sort of leaning this way:

Izzy made a beautiful cake for the feast of the Immaculate Conception last week. It was tasty too!

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Our Table for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
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There was a piano recital last week too. The teacher had Izzy and Noah learn cords to play with a sing-a-long, which is actually quite a different skill from simply playing a piece!

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What Izzy and Noah did not count on was that the crowd of singers would take the tempo to a whole different level, particularly if they knew the song well. Izzy got swept away. Noah, learning from her experience, made sure he set his introduction tempo loudly and slowly! Overall I think it was a good experience for them both.
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7. Way too much fun with Jib Jab Videos – here is one featuring my dear spouse, Mr. Pete.

Click here to shop the Gooseberry Patch Christmas Cookbook Collection!Holiday Cake Discount, Bake Me A Wish, Seasons Greetings Cakes

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