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Outside my window
Race around the park 2012 028

I am thinking…
about the organ dedication yesterday at church.  Bishop Lennon came into town to do the honors and we had as much pagantry and procession as we could muster!  And a great turn out too – the church was so full it looked like a Christmas mass just before you have to start filling up the side aisles!  It was really a moving and historical event!

The blessing started out with the full procession of the bishop and the clergy from the back, but because we weren’t allowed to play the organ publically until it was blessed, the bell choir started out the hymn – and the first two notes played were played by Gabe – and the next two by Noah!  I told the boys I thought that was very significant!  I played the psalm response on my flute – again because we could not use the organ until the official blessing.  I played 18 notes and managed not to mess those up – so that was good.

The actual concert was very ambitious.  The music director/organist, told me she was trying to show the full range of the new organs capabilities.  And I think she accomplished that!   They had a screen up front so that we could watch her hands and feet as they flew over the keys and I marveled at that, but mostly I just sat and listened to the music as it washed over me.

Here’s a sample!

I am thankful …

for my parish family.  I grew up in a small parish in Michigan and I felt that was my home when I was a child.  Mr. Pete felt the same about his small parish.  But yesterday, after 25 or so years at this parish, it really felt like home to us, and we felt as if we had truly witnessed something significant.

From the learning rooms

  • Gabe and Noah are Reading the Autobiography of Frederick Douglas, which is really a great read so far!  I’m hoping to get the video biography of U.S. Grant this week too. We did watch the Scarlet and the Black on Friday which was very interesting and highly recommended!
  • Spelling program per Dr. Holinga for all four kids.  
  • Instacert for History and start American History part 2  We are up to 1876. 
  • Apologia Science – Physical for Gabe and Noah  General for Izzy.  Astromy with Rosie. 
  • Saxon math for all with math tutor for Gabe, Izzy and Rosie- Noah is doing Algebra I, Saxon. 
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 3 – for Noah and Gabe
  • Diane Craft reading program for Izzy.
  • Back to Farmer Boy for Izzy’s reading. and the Story of Ping this week for Rosie. Pathway readers for Rosie and the Wand for Language arts.

From the kitchen…
A turkey casserole!

I am wearing…
Black pants, black shirt and black sweater.

I am creating…
new holiday memories with my family. I don’t really have a handle on that yet. I think we will attend morning mass on Wednesday because Thursday, Noah, Izzy and Rosie are participating in the Run for the Homeless on Thanksgiving. Then we will come home and eat in the afternoon.  I’m not really too worried about the food because we actually eat turkey a couple of times a year here!

But I know we are in transition years.  This will be my fourth Thanksgiving without my mother- and that still feels weird.  With the marriage of my sister and her obligations to her new husband, I know that after 20 some years of Thanksgivings together, that era is at an end.  I also know that Thanksgivings with my older children are numbered.  Last year, Calvin simply didn’t show up at all because he didn’t want to eat a second dinner after eating at his girlfriend’s house.  That still hurts my feelings just to think about it.

So I’m kind of thinking that Mr. Pete and I need to start focusing on what would be the easiest thing for us.  That the holiday should center on us as a couple, and that children or extended family and friends that want to join us are welcome, but that we have to be the core unit of our celebrations.  That might mean sometime travelling for Thanksgiving to visit friends – I’m not sure what that will mean, but I think the days of trying to juggle schedules or share with another family are done and maybe that’s how it should be.

I am going…

  • To walk with the kids tomorrow and then do a workout tape on Wednesday.  Probably just work all Wednesday on cleaning the basement for Thanksgiving Day. . 
  • To get in more flute practice time since my performances are starting very soon.

I am reading…The autobiography of Frederick Douglas with Gabe and Noah, Farmer Boy with Izzy and The Story of Ping with Rosie.  I’m thinking of either Death comes to the Archbishop for the next book or Riders of the Purple Sage.

I am hearing…
Humm of my computer, and the math tutor downstairs going over Algebra I with Noah

Video I am Sharing
The Hallelujah Chorus – performed yesterday by the parish choir accompanied by our new pipe organ! (Izzy, Noah and Gabe participating in the choir!)

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