My Personal Election Recovery Plan!

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Election day is over and as it stands now at 12:14 a.m. Eastern time – it looks like the country unbelievably has voted to stay under the Obama regime.

Un@#x&*@# believable.

But as many friends have reminded me, it doesn’t matter who the president is, God is still the king, and He will work out His plan in His own time, and I will have to be still and trust.

But I’m sure many of you feel like me – this a very hard defeat to take.  There are a few things I am going to do to move forward and keep enjoying the gift of life.

1.  I am going to stay off of Facebook and Twitter.  It’s great all of my liberal friends get to celebrate and cheer and I don’t want to be the official party pooper.  But it hurts to read and to watch so I’m just going to let them enjoy while I stay to myself.

2.  Make sure my finances are in order.  Mass inflation is coming and now there doesn’t seem to be much we can do about it.  Paying off debt and being prepared will be my mission now.

3.  Increase my preparedness plan.  Mr. Pete and I already started a well stocked pantry, but I am going to add to that.  In the coming years food is going to be like gold – only going up in price.

4.  I’m planning my garden for next year too – which means a certain tree will have to go to give my backyard more light.

5.  I’m going to get my concealed carry.  It’s time we started exercising our second amendment rights and I just think it’s a good thing for the kids to know too.  I actually grew up around guns so in a way, this is getting back to my roots.

6.  Support homeschooling and encourage homeschoolers as much as possible.  Part of what happened tonight, in my opinion, is a result of an uneducated electorate.  What else would make a people who just survived over 8% unemployment and watch the national debt to soar to 16 trillion under one administration, put the same guy back into office?

7.  I will be more outspoken in defending my Catholic faith – because the war on the church is now officially on.  There is no reprieve expected and the cavalry is not coming.  And I will increase my own education and knowledge so that I can defend her to the absolute best of my ability, and teach my children to do the same thing.

8. Pray to ask the Lord to not harden my heart and tear open the wounded feelings that I have right now. It is going to be very hard for me to look at certain people for a while without bursting into tears.  So I guess that will start with a trip to confession this weekend.

9.  Get over it. For cryin out loud, my grandparents raised kids during the depression!  They made it through that special form of hell, only to plunge into world war II. I’m going to be worthy of my ancestors and get through this little blip in the road too.

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  1. Amen! We're in for some rough waters, but Jesus will be with us all the way. It's time to batten down the hatches to ride out the storm.

    There is no defeat in Christ!

  2. Spot on with every one of these. Thanks for being alert at this time of night so that you can kick the rest of us in the can. I feel better now. Now I can go to bed… and maybe Ohio will be red in my dreams.

  3. It is increasingly a challenge to defend the freedom to practice my religion. I hope someone in our Diocese has a defense plan. I could use some good talking points.

  4. Amen. Thanks for putting some of my own feelings into words.

  5. Dozed from 11 until 2 and I've been up since then, trying to come to grips. Everything you said was what my husband and I covered this morning before he went to work.

    My grandparents survived the Great Depression and my parents were born during WWII('34 and '38), so I like to think I come from good strong stock and will rise to the challenge. Thanks for what you do here. We must prepare, defend our faith and just hang on.


  6. well planned! i pray that many faithful follow suit. perhaps we can grow closer together in the pursuit. ALL FOR!

  7. I was on pilgrimage in Europe when news of the election results came early last Wednesday morning.

    We had prayed at mass the day before for God's man to get in. Many were outraged at the results. Our priest was primarily dejected, being from Ireland and familiar with socialized medicine.

    One lady dared to suggest quietly that God's will had been done. Another proposed, as we had an all-day bus ride to Lourdes scheduled, we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries for America despite it being Wednesday.

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