Rest in Peace Barbara Curtis – Mommylife

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It was with much sadness that I learned of the passing of Barbara Curtis yesterday. I had been in touch with Barbara on line via her blog and email off and on since 2005. She lived a a very honest life and shared it with her readers- from her young life as a leftist, liberal hippy to a conservative Catholic mom of 12 children. Barb put it all out there for her readers to see and learn from. She always inspired with her grace and honesty.

Barb touched me the most in her humility – sharing her conversion back to her Catholic faith, as well as her tremendous weight loss journey. Perhaps most poignant of all was the relationship with her children and how she loved and supported each one, including an estranged daughter and mothering through the pain of that.

My first post about Barbara came about as an invitation from her to visit her blog. That post is here.

and her conversion to Christianity (from 2005) is here.

and a list of all the different posts about Barbara over the years can be found here.

Elizabeth Foss is keeping us apprised of funeral arrangements and other tributes on her blog as well as a way to help Maddy Curtis at Catholic U for another semester, which was one of Barbara’s wishes.

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1 Comment

  1. Elena, do you happen to know anything about whether Barbara's husband is still keep up her blog? I know he did for a while

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