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Outside my window

Very nice day… not too hot or too cold and the humidity is finally gone!

I am thinking…
about how life turns on a dime.

My sister’s wedding was lovely.  Her new family is wonderful and we had such a nice time meeting them all.  And most importantly after all the heart ache of the last few years for this couple- divorce, deaths, illnesses – they are finally together and happy! That made it all so wonderful!

I was still basking in the fresh memories of the weekend – from the rehearsal all the way through to the reception when Mr. Pete came up to give me some bad news.  Good friends of ours, in fact, Mr. Pete’s business partner and his wife, were in a serious car accident and my friend Mary was in the ICU at a local hospital.

The sudden, stark and sobering reality of that ended our weekend.

I am thankful that…
Mary is in a good hospital and is holding her own.  Her injuries are severe enough to keep everyone but family out of the ICU.  It sounds as if she has a long recovery road ahead of her and dear blog readers, I would ask for your prayers for her recovery.

From the learning rooms
Well we really are doing school now- I promise.  But to recap last week- Izzy made 30 cupcakes for my sister’s rehearsal dinner AND her final Wilton Cake was awesome!

Izzy art and cake 2012 003
Izzy art and cake 2012 005

Kay's wedding 003
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Izzy art and cake 2012 010
Izzy art and cake 2012 009
Izzy art and cake 2012 008
The boys are starting the Scarlet Letter this week.
We are participating in a spelling pilot program for the Reading Doc  and…

Izzy and Noah and I are taking a church history course at church on Tuesday nights!  This was the course they used to offer for 8th grade PSR students, but the teacher quit.  He is now giving it to adults on Tuesdays so I feel very fortunate that I could get the kids in to it!

From the kitchen…I’m thinking spaghetti tonight.

I am wearing…
black shorts and white T.

I am creating…
the final touches on my classroom today and coming up with a schedule.

I am going…
to get some great walks in with the cross country team this week.

I am also going to sit at some of the games Gabe is reffing.  Yesterday, my stoic 17-year-old got into the car after reffing two games, and had tears in his eyes.  With a little help, I probably could have got him to start sobbing, but I get that he’s almost a man and doesn’t want that type of mothering any more.  But I was hurting for him nonetheless.

Basically the problem is  people do not know how to be civil to each other any more.  When the ref makes a call, it’s bad enough that the players (12 year olds) tell the ref to go F#$& himself – but for the parents to do it too is a little unnerving.  And this time, one of the coaches came up to Gabe and asked him why he yellow carded one of his kids and when Gabe told him it was due to dangerous play, the coach let go an F-bomb as well.

This folks, is why we play for a Christian Soccer League on Saturday Mornings.  That type of language and behavior is just not tolerated. And frankly, it’s not necessary.

I am reading…
The Writer’s Jungle by Julie Bogart

I am hearing…
the hum of the air conditioner

Picture I am Sharing

Mr. Pete and me at my sister’s reception – old fogies?  or well aged?

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