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This is actually one of the articles I submitted as my “audition” for and they liked it.

An excerpt:

Probably one of the most difficult times to parent is during a time of grief. There is such a flurry of activity preparing for the funeral arrangements and greeting out of town friends and relatives. Or perhaps the death of a loved one is in a different town and it is your family with children that has to travel to the funeral. Either way it can be an unusually stressful time for parents and for the children.
If the death of a loved one is preceded by an extended illness children and parents can feel even more fatigued and stressed.
My family has had both scenarios. Our stillborn son was buried here at home and all of those arrangements were locally. Grandma’s funeral last week was also local. But we have also had to travel distances of four our more hours to attend the funeral of a grandma and an aunt, both times with children three and under. Here are some tips that worked for us.

You can read the rest here!  

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