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Outside my window

August 2012 086

Mr. Pete will have to forgo his weekly siesta on the living room couch on Sundays – at least for a little while. The powers-that-be at CYO have moved the cross country meets to Sunday!

I am thinking…
I need to get on the board or something at CYO, or at least attend some of their meetings because I am totally not seeing their vision. When the kids started running cross country, we competed against all the local parishes in our county. We got to sort of know the runners from the other teams and all of our meets were local i.e. within a 15 to 20 minute drive with the occasional meet way out in the boonies.

Now they have decided that all the meets will be on the diocesan level, meaning more kids at each meet and farther distances to drive to each meet. It just doesn’t have the same feel to it ya know? Oh and in their infinite wisdom to keep it all Catholic – they moved it to Sunday afternoons.

Yea, I know.

Oh and since I’m on my CYO soap box, let me just once again let it be known that they never paid Gabe for all the refereeing he did last fall. Somewhere in an account there is $170 some dollars that my then 16 year old son earned, and despite Mr. Pete and I trying to get at it for him, we never saw a dime. Interestingly, they haven’t contacted him to ref this year either. So there’s that.
Gabe reffing

I am thankful for…
a wonderful summer that I am sad to see end in a way.

From the learning rooms
We are still taking a well-deserved break. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!    Izzy is in cross country practices and Noah and Rosie are running as well.  Izzy and I are also working on her confirmation papers that I hope to get done before school even starts!

Izzy is also starting her third  Wilton Cake Decorating Classes this week.  Here is the cake she made for the feast of the assumption last week.
Izzy's feast of the assumption cake 2012

August 2012 069

From the kitchen…

Chicken marinaded in a sweet and sour marinade.

I am wearing…
workout clothes because I am going to go walk after I post this.

This is what I’m wearing to my sister’s wedding.  I wore it to my goddaughter’s wedding earlier this month.

I dunno.  I love the cut and the fabric and the sleeves.  And I’ve always loved flowered prints.

But it never occurred to me that perhaps I am too old for colored prints!  Is there a certain age where you just have to wear solids?  Or should I just say to heck with it and wear what I want?

I am creating…
my notification for the state of Ohio – groan… the busy work that they require of homeschoolers every fall.  At least I have our portfolio reviews so that was the hardest part.

I am going…
to be organizing my class room  today and then come up with some schedules.

I am reading…
Nothing. But I’m listening to some great MP3 recordings from  The Ultimate Homeschool Expo

Last week I listened to a talk by Sharon Jeffus on art in the homeschool – very important since I seem to have a budding artist in my midst!

Kim Kautzner’s the Lazy Student was also enjoyable!

I am hoping…
that the rest of my young friends who are having babies have wonderful deliveries and healthy babies.

I tried to help one of my young friends.  I sent her the link to the My Best Birth site early in her  pregnancy, and all of my childbirth information.  Yet when she was a minute overdue she went along with scheduling an induction and even when she went into labor on her own she went for the pit and the epidural – posting the whole thing on facebook.  I watched for updates and sat on my fingers trying to refrain from begging her not to succumb to unnecessary interventions.

But as it turned out her birth went classic hospital vaginal delivery and everything was fine.  Because speeding up birth and using all of the bells and whistles to deliver a baby is fine – until it’s not.  This time it worked out.  Last month for another young friend it ended in a cesarean with an infection.


I am hearing…
the hum of the air conditioner

Picture I am Sharing
Izzy Cross country August 26, 2012 111

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