Obama 7.13.2012: If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. – YouTube

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When Mr. Pete and I heard this we doubled over in laughter – because Mr. Pete has built his own business but he doesn’t recall anyone else getting up with him at 5 in the morning to fix instruments, or anyone else making his deliveries, or calling up schools for payment or any of it. Mr. Pete built his business.

That the president could even say something so stupid proves to me that he has no understanding of what it takes to build and run a business because he has never built or run his own business.

Obama 7.13.2012: If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. – YouTube

But likewise, when we see the panhandlers out on the corner, or all the young men walking the streets of Akron in packs who haven’t been successful at getting a job let alone building a business – should we then be blaming teachers for their un success? Or do we blame the roads and infrastructure for that?

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