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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.>

1. And yet another day of oppressive heat! Made worse by the fact that this is the summer my body has decided to let me experience all out hot flashes. Definition of a hot flash: Sitting next to the air conditioner on full blast, with people next to me shivering and wearing sweaters, while I wait to feel the “cool” kick in.

2. We made our first trip to the lake last weekend – and it was gorgeous!
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3. While I was sitting on the beach waiting for my family to get back from their “lake glass” search, this goose and I became kind of friendly. I can’t believe how close s/he got to me!

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4. A year from how I will be wondering about taking Gabe’s Senior Pictures. He is insistent on growing his hair even longer – below his shoulder blades. So I have imagined going out to Stan Hywett Hall in the middle of winter with Gabe wrapped in an Indian blanket with the snow zipping around him with his hair flying behind. I mentioned this to Mr. Pete and he thinks I saw too many romance novel covers when I was growing up – which is probably true because my grandma loved her some romance novels! Still I think it would be epic. And I am now inspired by this random shot!

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Lose the hat and the attitude, and maybe center the subject a bit more and that would be one awesome picture!

5.Did I mention swimming classes started last week!
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and someone can now float on her back!

6. Someone else is so beautiful and graceful she takes my breath away!

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Izzy swimming 2012

7. When the kids went to Franciscan a few weeks ago, I was able to take a group shot before they went. I sent it to my pastor because I though he’d enjoy it and he put it on the cover of the bulletin this week. Pretty neat! What a thrill for me.

Nice looking group of folks too!  Thanks Father V for using it!

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1 Comment

  1. Good morning Association of Catholic Women bloggers friend~ This morning I have highlighted one of our fellow contributors, Nancy Shuman on “Pay It Forward” at A Life-Size Catholic Blog. I didn’t want you to miss the posting, we are all so busy and it’s easy to overlook one person’s article. However, just in case you wanted to stop by and see what’s going on, I thought I’d leave you a little note.

    At the same time, I’d like to offer an invitation for you to link to the “Pay It Forward” link up. You can post about someone else, or link up a post of your own. Have a blessed Sunday! Holly

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