Simple Woman

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Outside my window
Saturday Soccer and ARCHE in the Park May 6 2012 001
Rosie and a new-found friend. Rosie makes friends pretty much wherever she goes!

I am thinking…
about the boys playing a gig last night. It was in the a small college town at a neighborhood bar. I think back in the day we would’ve called it a “joint.” There were five bands playing and most of the crowd consisted of the other band members and their friends. I think Mr. Pete, our friend Jenni, and I were the only parents there. We definitely changed the average age for the group.

Age has it’s benefits.  The kid carding the people asked me if I wanted to be carded.  I told him that he was very sweet – geez I felt so grandmotherly too!  Lucky for us the boys’ band played first and then we stayed to hear one song from the next band.  But with my tinnitus (I know – grandmotherly) I can’t really take too much loud music if I want to be able to hear above the buzz in my own head the next day!  But overall everyone was very nice.

When we were leaving one young man came up to us and asked if we were the parents of the first band, and we said yes.  And he said, “They were good.  Had a real nice dance band feel to them.”  Since Gabe wants to be a hipster band and not a dance band, I’m not sure how he would have felt about it.

I am thankful …
that my oldest son has rebounded from last week. By the end of the week I hope to report that he has been employed. We’ll see.

From the learning rooms
Gabe and Noah

  • New Testament Survey  from Homeschool Connections  was completed – now on to an Old Testament Survey also with Homeschool Connections
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 2.  
  • Saxon math for Noah, Algebra I Gabe.
  • Apologia Science General for Noah and Physical for Gabe.  Noah took a test yesterday and moves on to Chapter 5 (noting that he already did the end of that book last year).  Gabe will hopefully take a test today after he wakes up from last night’s gig. 
  • William Bennett America: American History.  Which is hands down the best history book I’ve ever read for my kids!
  • Writing Institute assignments, Spelling Power. 
  • Gabe is almost done with his Vocab book!
  • Also reading 


  • Saxon Math 67
  • Apologia Creation Science Anatomy and Physiology – nervous system.
  • Diane Craft right- brain training for language arts and reading. 
  • History with Gabe and Noah


  • Pathway Readers
  • Saxon Math
  • MCP Phonics

Also got our California Achievement tests back.  They both got passing composite scores for the state of Ohio, (which is only 25 so that’s not much of a stretch) but I had a hard time figuring out their score results.  For example in vocabulary and math, there were 20 questions and he got 18 correct.  On vocab he is considered above average and math at average.  I’m trying to figure that one out – unless they are comparing him with the other test takers – but I thought that is what a percentile does.

Overall though I will say that of all the overachieving homeschoolers that take the California Achievement Tests, my boys are in there to keep those percentiles down to earth.  You’re welcome.

I am reading…

The Righteous Mind – Why Good People are Divided on Politics and Religion

    From the kitchen…

    Lasagna last night
    Italian Chicken tonight
    Chicken tacos
    Roasted chicken
    Twice baked potatoes

    I am wearing…
    Black workout pants, pink shirt , and New Balance shoes!

    I am creating…
    some ideas for mother’s day for the godmothers in a few weeks.

    I am going…
    send out the mother’s day cards today or tomorrow and finish my typing.
    Last week for workouts I did



    Both are killer workouts!

    I am hoping….
    The wedding I am helping with this weekend goes off without a problem. I am also hoping to find a dress for Izzy to wear to the homeschool dance next week. The dress code for this is pretty strict – not above the knee, not to low, no sheer material etc. They also said no “one shouldered dresses,” which I thought was odd because Jacqueline Kennedy

    Princess Diana

    and Michelle Obama

    Mrs. Obama's best evening looks
    have all worn one shoulder dresses at some pretty important functions.

    Then Mr. Pete pointed out that Kennedy and Obama were/are Democrats and Diana was from the UK. and that’s probably why those dresses aren’t allowed at a homeschool dance!

    He cracks me up.

    I am also hoping Mr. Pete’s toe feels better – yet another gout attack!

    I am hearing…
    Humm of the air conditioner

    Around the house…
    Planting grass, maybe some more creeping juniper and transplanting some Ivy.

    Picture I am Sharing
    The Colorblind May 2012 008

    The Colorblind May 2012 004

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    1. The 'one-shoulder' comment cracked me up, too! Hope your daughter finds something lovely that won't have the prom committee reaching for their smelling salts.

    2. Nancy Reagan wore one as well. She was far more liberal than her hubby though:)
      Have you tried cherry juice for the gout? It really helped mom.

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