Simple Woman

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Outside my window
aPRIL 21, 2012 011
Cold and wet this past weekend – but the soccer players stay warm enough while playing!

I am thinking…
about the funny things we do because of past circumstances.  My sister and I both have issues with the mail – because bad news comes in the mail!  So we tend to let the mail back up until we have to deal with it.

Last week my sister was happily using her debit card -until it got declined – not once but twice!  Very concerned she quickly checked her bank accounts and everything was fine, so she couldn’t figure out why her card had been declined so she called them.  Mystery solved – one of the merchants where she used her card had a security breach and so to protect the cards of their customers, the debit cards were closed and new ones re-issued.  When my sister checked her mail, there was the notice that her card was  shut down, and another envelope with her new card!

I’m not quite as bad as sis, but I do tend to let the mail pile up too. So Sunday I take my boys and drop them off to sing with the choir at the 9 a.m. mass and then go home to read some of my mail before I have to pick them up at 10 and then play for my own mass at 11. There in the pile is a nice white envelope from son’s Paramedic school which I think is going to be about his graduation and the costs for the reception.  Turns out it was an academic warning  – YIKES!  Not exactly something I should be reading on Sunday when I have no chance to get more information or do anything about it.

So this week dear readers, I am asking that you pray for my son, that he can complete his program without being dropped from it.  Graduation is only about six weeks away, but he tells me that classmates are dropping like flies because of the intensity of the course. If you wouldn’t mind prayers for his endurance and that he can grasp the material and pass the test on TUESDAY – I would appreciate it.

From the learning rooms
Gabe and Noah

  • Theology of the Body Course from Homeschool Connections  was completed – now on to an Old Testament Survey also with Homeschool Connections
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 2.  
  • Saxon math for Noah, Algebra I Gabe.
  • Apologia Science General for Noah and Physical for Gabe.
  • William Bennett America: American History.  Which is hands down the best history book I’ve ever read for my kids!
  • Writing Institute assignments, Spelling Power. 
  • Gabe is almost done with his Vocab book!
  • Also reading 


  • Saxon Math 67
  • Apologia Creation Science Anatomy and Physiology – nervous system.
  • Diane Craft right- brain training for language arts and reading. 
  • History with Gabe and Noah


  • Pathway Readers
  • Saxon Math
  • MCP Phonics

I am reading…

The Righteous Mind – Why Good People are Divided on Politics and Religion

    From the kitchen…

    Sticky Chicken tonight.
    Tacos Tuesday
    Spaghetti Wednesday
    Chicken pasta Salad Thursday
    Tuna Casserole Friday

    I am wearing…
    Black workout pants, pink shirt with white sweater, and New Balance shoes!

    I am creating…
    some ideas for mother’s day for the godmothers in a few weeks.

    I am going…
    to play a short concert on Thursday night.
    Last week for workouts I did

    Twice and

    I am hoping….
    That Calvin can pass his test on Tuesday and finish the paramedic program.

    I am hearing…
    Humm of the computer

    Around the house…
    No big plans this week.  Hope to be able to work on the yard this weekend.

    Picture I am Sharing

    Calvin and Mom 1991?

    When I used to be able to solve all of his problems for him…wish it were that easy now.

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    1. Very lovely post. Said a prayer for your son. I admire anyone who is orderly enough to home school and plan meals for the week. That is amazing!

    2. I did lift your son up to the Lord. May the Lord give him the wisdom he needs to finish the course.

      God bless, have a wonderful week!

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