Simple Woman

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Outside my window

Rice Crispie Treat eggs 003

I am thinking…
that in retrospect, Lent went rather quickly!  I was able to get into praying the office more deeply – at least I feel quite comfortable now flipping back and forth in the prayer books!

I am thankful for…
the wonderful season of Easter!   For Faith
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and Family
easter 2012 079
easter 2012 068
Izzyand Rosie Easter 2012

From the learning rooms
I am now thoroughly convinced that for our family of church musicians – we need two weeks of spring break- one to prepare for Easter, one to recover!  And since we homeschool through the summer, I don’t feel guilty about it either.  That said, I am planning a field trip this week and Mr. Pete is going with us, so I feel excited about that.

I am reading…
 Total Transcript Solution 

    From the kitchen…

    Chicken in white sauce with spaghetti noodles.

    I am wearing…
    Black workout pants, and Mr. Pete’s old “Our Lady of Guadalupe” T-shirt

    I am creating…
    nothing – just rest for this weeek!  Although I am working on some meetings for my homeschool group and a play date for the homeschooled kids on Friday!

    I am going…
    to renew my flute practice this week. After not being allowed to play in church during Lent, I was asked to play for the veneration of the cross on Good Friday – and I played “Were You There” unaccompanied with the congregation singing for at least a solid 6 minutes. I was starting to lose the feeling in my fingers!! Time to build up some endurance.

    I am hoping…
    To workout every day this week and got a good one in this morning. AND I am not skipping the stretching part. I’m going to see if I can prevent injury with more stretching.

    I am hearing…
    Sam play his guitar.

    Around the house…
    Mr. Pete is going to get the engine out of his old car and then we can finally have it towed away – I am looking forward to reclaiming that space in my back yard.

    Picture I am Sharing


    The crucifix Mr. Pete shined up and made ready for the Easter masses.

    You can see it being carried below in procession – with the choir (including Sam, Gabe, Noah and Izzy) singing the Hallelujah Chorus as the recessional.

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    1 Comment

    1. I enjoyed your daybook with so many pictures. What a beautiful church! We had chicken in white sauce tonight too although we had it over biscuits. Have a wonderful week.

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