Simple Woman

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Outside my window

March 2012 015

March 2012 011
My Magnolia tree had the opportunity this year to be in full splendor without any danger of frost or snow – and it truly put on a show for us!
I am thinking…
about my Aunt Dot.  She will be 92 this year and her kids want us to “storm her” with birthday cards.  She is a remarkable woman and in my respects, my role model.  Here she is earlier this month shoveling snow!
Aunt Dot
Don’t see too many 90 somethings doing that!

I am thankful for…
all of the wonderful aunts I was blessed to have including Aunt Dot and her sisters, Aunt Grace, Aunt Mary and Aunt Opal.

From the learning rooms
 I am SOO READY FOR SPRING BREAK!!!! But the kids want to wait until their friends have spring break which is Good Friday onward – I hope I can hold out that long!

Gabe and Noah

  • Theology of the Body Course from Homeschool Connections .
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 2
  • Moby Dick is DONE!!!  This week hopefully start on the Autobiobraphy of Benjamin Franklin via –  Lightening Literature.  Also writing project from Writers Intensive. 
  • Gabe  Unit 8 in Apologia Physical Science and Noah Chapter 4 General Science. (I should mention that Noah already did the last 8 chapters in General Science so he really is just going back to do the chapters he skipped the first time. 
  • Saxon Math – Algebra I for Gabe, Pre-Algebra for Noah who is on lesson 79
Gabe Izzy and Noah – Revolutionary War. I bought some lectures on American History from the Great Courses and have down loaded a few of them.  Not sure I would have paid over $700 for them (the normal price)but for an $89 download for 84 lectures, I think I got a pretty good deal.

  • Daily reading exercises and curriculum via Diane Craft.  She is on her forth pack of Snap Word Cards and is reading with much more ease. These cards include” Over 300 words, including all the Dolch high frequency words and the Fountas & Pinnell 100 most frequently recurring words.

and  These images have proven to be the turning point for children who had not made progress through any other means. This certainly has turned out to be true for Izzy.

  • Saxon 6/7 – three more lessons and then starting Saxon 7
  • Anatomy and Physiology Creation Science  Start unit on Circulation 
  • Pathway Reader and workbook – half way through her first reader!
  • MCP Phonics
  • Saxon math 1 – almost ready for the second part of the course. 

From the kitchen…

Burritos and tacos!

I am wearing…
black pants, and a pink T-shirt

I am creating…
a federal tax form!!  I have all my income and interest entered – just have to complete my Schedule C and then send it off!

I am going…
to work out every morning  but I pulled my back this morning doing ab work on an incline.  If I it’s too sore tomorrow I might forget the videos and just try to walk.

I am reading…
Via San Giuseppe that I bought from St. Joseph Altar.

I am hoping…
to get the library and to finish my taxes as well as get some housekeeping down.

I am hearing…
the sounds of the t.v. two stories below me, and rain outside of my window.

Around the house…
we are just keeping on with the silence and simpleness of Lent.

Picture I am Sharing
March 2012 006
Someone lost another baby tooth.
March 2012 019
Izzy the Cake maker

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  1. What a gorgeous magnolia tree! So beautiful!

    I'm impressed with your Aunt Dot shoveling snow at 92! We have some ladies here at the church that are 90 and they are always volunteering to help in the library or folding bulletins. I hope I'm that active at 90!

  2. Me too Jerralea! Thanks for stopping by,

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