In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960, as well as other artifacts from my family’s past. Others in the series are in my file.
Another letter from my dear Uncle Cal – the perpetual bachelor to his sister, my mother, while she was living in New Mexico
Spring 1960JMJ
Hi Folks:Well sis, it won’t be too long before we’ll be seeing you again for which I’m delighted. I’m especially excited over getting acquainted with my own little niece.
I’m sorry you (and Pete) can’t come to the sis, but I’m glad you can come in August.
I hope it’s so I could go back with you and spend sometime with you then. I really enjoyed myself tehre and would like very much to go back.
There are many things I want to see out there. For one special instance, I’m still very interested in meeting Elena’s lovely godmother. At the time of the wedding, her sister Lucia told me about her, she asked how old I am . I told her and she said her sister was the same age as I am. How from the pictures I’ve seen of this girl, what mom has told me bout her, she sounds like the kind of girl I’d love to meet. How about at least putting in a good plug for me anyway?
I’d love to take a bus trip to the Carlsbad Caverns, some of the Indian ruins, the “El Santuario De Chimayo,
well, I can’t think of everything I’d like to see right now.
Well, here it is spring again, or so the man said. We had two big winds this week. One Monday night and Tuesday and another yesterday Thursday. Well, nice weather can’t be far behind. not too far anyway. This morning it was 1 degree below zero.
Another spring exhibition baseball season is under way again. Our Tigers don’t look too bad. They have a couple of new players for this season. A new shortstop and first baseman. They’re both pretty good. The regular season opens April 22nd so the weather will have to change.
They’re really getting it in Springfield, Illinois this year too. They’ve usually started planting gardens there now, but now they’re still shoveling snow.
We may change our church St. John just isn’t the same since Father Donahoe and Father Limbert left. I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel the same there anymore. We may go to Blessed Sacrament. It’s a very nice little church and since that one has been built, that’s where we really belong. We didn’t while Father. Donahoe was at St. John’s but now that he’s gone, I think we will.
Father Limbert is a pastor now in New Buffalo, Michigan. We were sorry to see him go too.
Boy have I got a barn full of cattle. We have more cattle now than we ever had before – 40 head with 18 cows. We plan to remodel and make the barn larger and handier. Dairying I’m see is the most sure thing on a farm. We’re going to modernize as soon as possible.
Our Knights of Columbus of Davison has another spring festival under way and we’re giving away another Cadillac and Pontiac. I have ten dollars worth of tickets on them so we have a chance anyway. We’re going to build our new building this year. It will be started this spring.
Remember George Hallman and his very nice wife, sis? They are moving to Tuscon Arizona. So St. john definitely won’t be the same. He was our Grand knight the first two years it was going and he was very active till he took sick. How he is moving to a healthier climate. They say they love it there. Well I don’t have too much to say now. Gee here it is almost the middle of Lent. Where does the time go?
I get a big kick out of Mom and Dad. About a week after your last letter, they’re looking for another and almost fight one another over who’s going to read it first.
Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be happy to see you again. How would you like to pay Uncle Elmer a visit? I’m going down there to see his nice new home. He and Uncle Sam were just given big promotions by the Wold Book Company. This isn’t supposed to be talked about but Uncle Sam is moving to Traverse City and sell full time. He sure is good at it. That’s it for now.Write soon,
Your bro. Cal.