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Outside my window

January 2012 035

I am thinking…
That we are starting down the very dangerous road in this country that will stifle Catholicism and lead to religious persecution.  I’m also thinking that the poor catechesis in this country over the past 40 years or so isn’t going to make this fight very easy. And it makes me very nervous for my children and what they will face in the future.

I am thankful for…
the Bishops’ strong stand against the Department of Health and Human Services.

From the learning rooms
Gabe and Noah absolutely have to finish Moby Dick this week.  I have the CDs out on loan from the library and they are over due costing me 20 cents a day.  Tomorrow they are going to do a big whale marathon!

Gabe and Noah also need to focus on their courses on homeschool connections including:

  •  Latin I bootcamp
  • Apologetics

They both have science tests tomorrow too.

I am seeing progress with Izzy and her right brain training from Diane Craft.   Interestingly, Rosie taught herself sight words from Izzy’s flash cards.

From the kitchen…
Turkey was only 69 cents a pound this week – so we got one!  Turkey dinner tomorrow and all the turkey leftovers to follow next week!

I am wearing…
Gray pants and a black T shirt with sweater.

I am creating…
 Preparing for our PreCana talk. Here is part 1 of the talk we gave last year.

I am going…
to get four workouts in this week if it kills me.

I am reading…

Review to come this week.

I am hoping…
to have a very focused and productive homeschool week this week.

I am hearing…
nothing  – which makes me wonder what the kids are up to!?

Around the house…
We have a big leak in our roof.  When it rained last week we filled buckets and had to move the piano so that it would not be injured by the water. Mr. Pete was up there working on it today and thinks he has the problem solved.  I guess we won’t know for sure until it rains!

A picture I am sharing:
Izzy art

Izzy Art

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