Scenes from a homeschool Epiphany Party

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One of the newer members of our homeschool group put together a nice family pot luck/Epiphany party for our group. It was simple, educational, and a nice reason for our group to get together.
After getting RSVPs from the group, she was able to reserve her parish gymnasium. Long tables were set up with simple table coverings and little votive candles made a nice touch. The food part was easy! Everyone brought something to share and it really was a delicious meal – for kids and adults. After some much appreciated fellowship and good conversation, it was time to cut the King Cake.

Three beans were inside. Whoever found the beans would represent the Three Wise Men. Our 16-year-old found the bean in his cake, but he very subtly transferred it over to his 6-year-old sister’s plate and she was thrilled to find it! The three lucky bean finders were given their crowns and capes!

and the procession to Baby Jesus began!

Each of the families had brought a gift for Baby Jesus, (a book, rosary, statuette) that was presented to Baby Jesus.After a little lesson about Baby Jesus, the wise men, and gifts, each child got to take their little gift home as their own way of learning more about Jesus.

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