My Daily Domestic Clips 01/18/2012 (a.m.)

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1 Comment

  1. I don't know anything about the GS council in your area but realize that "Girl Scouts" is a an organization run on many levels. There is a national umbrella organization–Girl Scouts of the USA to which all GS belong. GSUSA develops programming and sets overall policies. GSUSA does not partner with PP. The money GSUSA gets from cookies is from licencing.

    On a more local level there are non-profit corporations known as Girl Scout Councils. Those councils recruit and train leaders, provide programming and sell materials. They also own and maintain camps and other properties. Some of those local councils do partner with PP to do programming. The money flow is from PP to GS. In order for girls to attend any meeting or activity dealing with reproductive health or sexuality, parents are required to sign specific permission slips.

    The Girl Scout program is generally delivered to girls via troops, often led by the mothers of some girls. The programming in particular troops will probably reflect the beliefs of the leader. Again, anytime sexual topics are discussed, a separate permission slip is required.

    I know there is a cookie boycott in Ohio because some GS are unhappy with the choices the paid staff and Board have made regarding camps.

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