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Outside my window

November 2010 115

I am thinking…
Our life is over like a sigh.
Our span is seventy years
or eighty for those who are strong.  Psalm 90

I have a chance to take on more transcription work for about 10 hours a week… or concentrate on homeschooling and preparing some e-books to sell on-line.  Is it much of a choice?  I enjoy medical transcription, I’m pretty good at it, and I make money with it – but in 10 years will it even be an industry? Even my pediatrician types his own reports on a laptop while my kids and I are still in the room?  It might be time to get out while the going is good.

I am thankful …
for the friendship of my friend, Mary B.  She has recently had a sort of spiritual renewal and her enthusiasm is very contagious.

From the learning rooms
I have been taking advantage of the courses offered in my subscription through Homeschool Connections. Gabe and Noah are taking a course on church history and an English course on Huck Finn.  Noah is also taking the Latin Bootcamp.  It is really a nice change of pace for our homeschool.

Having passed the CLEP biology exam, Sam is now concentrating on Analyzing Literature and hopes to nail it this time.

Izzy and I are working on a book about Louis Braille from High Noon Books.  Calvin and Gabe read that too.

From the kitchen…
left over chicken casserole with foccasia bread!

I am wearing…
Purple sweat pants and my fall hoodie!

I am creating…
time to practice so that I am ready for all the upcoming concerts and memorial services. Played a memorial service yesterday and only about 14 people showed up.  Still when I see the tears in the eyes of someone who is grieving I’m glad that I was there just to be able to offer some comfort through music. I think it comforts me as well.
I am going…
to try to work some extra prayer time into my days.  Praying for:

  • Calvin- who  helped resuscitate a patient this week from from complete flat line to consciousness. He was on an adrenaline high when he came home to share that story. 
  • Sam – who will now start studying to re-take the Analyzing Literature CLEP test.
  • Gabe – who is almost done with 9th grade two months into his 10th grade year.  
  • Noah who is preparing for confirmation and for the 4 mile Turkey Run on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Izzy – who is also getting ready for this 4 mile run – although she has only trained once since the end of cross country!
  • Rosie- who is the little light of my life. 
  • Mr. Pete – who feels much better – but who won’t have this second job done until after Thanksgiving – the job he told me would be done at labor day!

I am reading…
Huck Finn with my kids and getting ready to start Tom Sawyer.

I am hoping…
to get three workouts in this week and walking on the off days.  My MP3 died though and I’m trying to figure out how to get podcasts to work on the Android Mr. Pete gave me from work.

Yes  – I now have a cell phone.  Although I swear 90% of my time is spent in the house with the landline, the few times I wander out to take kids places, or to walk, my family desperately needs to get a hold of me. So Mr. Pete went through his business plan and got me an android phone.  I have been learning how to use it. I did figure out how to put the app for the divine office on it – so that’s really helpful and much nicer than trying to download it ever couple of days onto my MP3.

After reading Spritteebee’s post about her phone camera, I have been working with that too.  Here are a couple of the results!

From Drop Box
From Drop Box

I am looking forward to…
the Christmas concerts.   Not looking forward to the practicing though.

Around the house…
Thanksgiving at my house this year.  Trying to decide what to do to make it special.

Pictures I am sharing:

adayinnovember 052

Izzy and her best friend Tamara (who doesn’t even go to our church yet sings in the kids choir!) who were put promptly to work in the food line for the parish Octoberfest!

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