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Outside my window
is cool and we have had our first frost.

october 2009 and old halloween pictures 147

I am thinking…
about my stillborn baby Raphael.  He would be 9 years old.  I am thinking that he would be in cross country, taking piano lessons, singing in the kids choir and playing soccer.  He would be one of five brothers, but his closest playmate would be his sister Rosie.  Time has passed and the pain has eased, but the gap in our family remains.

I am thankful …
that I got to be his mom, and for all of the lessons and experience that came from that special sorrow.

From the learning rooms
I have been taking advantage of the courses offered in my subscription through Homeschool Connections. Gabe and Noah are taking a course on church history and an English course on Huck Finn.  Noah is also taking the Latin Bootcamp.  It is really a nice change of pace for our homeschool.

Hopefully Sam will take and pass his CLEP in biology this week.

Rosie is up to lesson 21 on the 100 Easy Lessons! and Izzy is plugging away on her regular course work.

From the kitchen…
A Ghostly Shepherd’s Pie – didn’t make it last night so we are postponing it for this evening.

I am wearing…
Black pants, pink shirt with white sweater and black hoodie because I am cold.

I am creating…
Fall memories of All Saints Day and their brothers birthday for my children.

I am going…
to try to work some extra prayer time into my days.  Praying for:

  • Calvin- the child I just have to let go of.  He’s a man now.  I can’t mother him – he has chosen another household and another mom for that. I can be prayerful support at a distance and at this point that’s all I am able to do. 
  • Sam – so that he will pass this CLEP test.
  • Gabe – who is doing awesome with his new drum teacher but probably needs more motivation. 
  • Noah who is preparing for confirmation.  Of his three brothers, he was the only one to finish the Insanity Workout this morning!
  • Izzy – still waters run deep. 
  • Rosie- whose desire to read is moving faster than her ability – although she is doing well for her age.
  • Mr. Pete – who hurt his back this morning but didn’t realize it until we were at the cemetery this morning. 

I am reading…
Huck Finn with my kids and getting ready to start Tom Sawyer.

I am hoping…
Mr. Pete feels better.

I am looking forward to…
my first weekend in a long time with no sports activities to run to.

Around the house…
getting my  clean classroom in order and organizing the very very last of Mom’s books. Why is it that every project that includes things from my late mother takes me so long to accomplish?


Pictures I am sharing:

adayinnovember 012
Izzy Art

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1 Comment

  1. Sorry to hear about your Raphael. I pray that God will continue to comfort you.

    I understand your prayers about Calvin. I have one that I must let go of, as well.

    God bless you!

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