My Dearest Daughter

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In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960, as well as other artifacts from my family’s past. Others in the series are in my archives as I move them all over to Diigo. 

This week we have another letter from my Aunt Opal, who has been a little controversial on this blog over the years simply because she encouraged me not to let fear rule. Not always an easy thing to hear.

I will always remember my Aunt Opal as a sweet and wonderful lady.   Here she writes a letter to her niece,  (my mom) just before my birth in 1959. She offers encouragement, asks for advice for her daughter, and then makes a little prophecy that came somewhat true!

Dear Maryrose:
Just wrote to your Grandma and feel since I’ve had you on my mind for some time that I could let you hear from me and tell you I have been thinking of you.  How you are? (as the Brian children used to ask.)  Your fullness of time is about on you and Maryrose you’ll be just fine as many are thinking of you and we remember you in our petitions to Him who has promised to be near.  I want you to know that distance means nothing to us as we love you and wonder so much ho you are.
A year ago you were going thru the same thing Janet Sue is now.  She came home this past weekend to go to West Mich U. for an appointment only to find when we got there that it is to be one month from now.  She works at MC besides six classes and that outside activity which perturbs me so and she is so upset over finding a job this summer.  They’re hard to find for just three months. 
Oh yes, I suggested she teach piano or organ this summer- and I wonder if you think it is worth it for just the summer. Depends on the number of pupils of course but what should she ask per lesson and what other stipulations would be necessary?  You probably are better qualified to give advice than most teachers since you had the experience closely related to Janet Sue’s adventure in a summer session.  
She could teach piano in our home, but we wondered about organ in the churches and training young adults or older children for future organists too.  I suppose by youngsters using church property problems could develop unless a rule for an adult present during a students practice could be adhered to.
Do you plan on coming to Michigan any time this summer?  If you can come to Sue’s wedding we’d all be so happy.  Reunion may be an event the following day.  Her wedding is August 22, we believe now.  Did I tell you in the other letter about the nice looking pianist whose last name is Esquibel was in a performance on t.v. recently?  Your child will no doubt be a musician!
Love, Aunt Opal. 


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