My Daily Domestic Clips 08/12/2011 (a.m.)

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  • Harry Potter and the Christian Magicians | John C. Wright’s Journal The voice of reason in the Harry Potter debate tags: reading HarryPotter debate
    • 6. The final and most egregious example that springs to mind is Harry Potter.  The magic portrayed in the book is so far from what real occultism is and does  that my considerable powers of exaggeration and overstatement fail me. The author decided that the ‘killing curse’ which is one of the three  ‘unforgivable curses’ is ‘Abracadabra.’ She decided that the witches and wizard  not only zip around on broomsticks, they play aerial rugby. Oh, come on. Do you think this would lure anyone into the arms of Anton le  Vey? Alastair Crowley is spinning in his grave. In fact, if I were the archangel  in heaven assigned the task by God Almighty to lure people away from occultism,  the first way I would do it was by making it seem ridiculous, such as by putting  moppets in pointy hats and having them wave twigs at each other shouting  ‘Expelliarmus!’; and the second way I would do it was to have the would be  novice of magic practicing ruby in the air and shouting Abracadabra — a term  that comes from the vaudeville world of stage magic, not from the real esoteric  tradition of the Renaissance. You are far more likely to lure the youth into the circle of Anton le Vey by  having them read ATLAS SHRUGGED, which promotes a self-centered and God-scoffing  worldview, than by having them read Harry Potter, which is a story about how  love, self-sacrifice, and redemptive suffering can overcome the last enemy,  death. The Christian themes in this seven-volume story are so blatant that it  requires truly inspired self-imposed blindness not to see them. I will not dwell  on this point: the author herself has confirmed it. So it is far more likely that the HP book will lure your child to a theme  park than to an circle of occultists
  • Felonious Munk Wild Anti-Obama Rant | Video | Long time readers will know that I have a category of bookmarks called “areyousorryyet?” I started it right after Obama unbelievably won the election in 2008.Well – here’s a man who’s sorry! Felonious Munk- a black, liberal, comedian, obama supporter who is fed up! tags: obama areyousorryyet?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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