My Dearest Daughter

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In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960, as well as other artifacts from my family’s past. Others in the series are in my file.

This letter is undated but it was written after I was born. I caught my breath when I read the part about my grandparents being married for 32 years – seeing as I just celebrated my 32nd anniversary!

Guess I’ll try to find a pattern for Elena and make her overalls and coveralls. She must really be growing. I guess you know how to feed your baby alright. I always knew I raised a brilliant child. Eh?

Did Dad get a couple of movie flood lights so he or you could take pictures in the house. Did you read the instructions on the camera? When the film window shows “Exp” the film must be turned over. It’s going to be fun to see the films.

When Dad gets back I am going to see my mother Helen and Mary Beveridge - mother and daughter

and I’m going up to see Dad’s mother too! It seems so strange to know Dad will be gone 2 weeks. I guess after 32 years he is a very important factor in my life.
Calvin and Helen Leckrone Family

Another calf got out of the pasture and here we were getting ready to go to 11 o’clock mass. Calvin always goes to pieces at times like that, so it takes Mom to quiet him down. It wasn’t hard to get the thing into the barn. I guess Calvin will try to get them in one by one.

Oh yes, tell Dad, the meat we put in the freezer was only half. Mr. Finck (the local butcher” called yesterday and wondered why we didn’t pick it up. Did we want to store it there? I was happy. I took a roast to the Sisters and two packages of T-bone steaks to Father D, Father Donahue in the 1950sand then a couple hours later Mr. Finck called. “Bread on the water”, they say. How true.

Of course it was our meat so no one can tell me (Mr.)Fink is dishonest.

Out of paper so must close. May God keep you all of my loved ones safe. Mother

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  1. […] living out the Liturgical Year, this quickly became one of my favorite feast days. I’ve written a lot here about my own grandmother. Some of it isn’t so nice. But I have a lot of really good memories of my grandmother too. She […]

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