Simple Woman

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Outside my window
Aday in July 2011 002

I am thinking…
This is why I take my family every year to the family reunion – relationships!  When the kids see their cousins every year they start to bond with them, make friends and grow these relationships.  What a shame it is when the older kids quit coming because of work or other obligations.  So far, in my house, we make it a priority and I’m happy that this year, all my kids were there!

I am thankful …
Thankful for a safe trip up and a safe trip back!
Also very happy for a near miss that happened last week.  I was stopped at a red light with Sam. The light changed and I started into the intersection when I noted movement on my left – the car was clearly not planning to stop for the light!  I hit the break and the car sailed by as if nothing was wrong.  We also were not rear – ended which could have easily happened if the car behind me had not stopped when I did.  I felt very grateful!

From the learning rooms
Sam did not pass the Natural Science CLEP test.  The scale is 20 to 80 with a pass of 50 and he got a 47.  That test is real bear and even gets some notice on Youtube as being one of the toughest to pass.  Nonetheless, his coach thinks that instead of wasting the time and effort, that Sam should go ahead and try for the Biology exam.  He already has a lot of time in studying biology for the natural science test and that will help him prepare for it.

We also visited another College Plus student on Friday.  This young man has successfully completed all of the CLEP and DANTES tests and is now finishing up his degree at Thomas Edison.  He gave Sam an idea of how he studied and prepared for each test and I think it gave Sam some idea of the level of commitment he has to achieve if he wants to pass this!  It was very eye opening, and very encouraging.

From the kitchen…
Whatever it is, I’m going to grill it outside!

I am wearing…
Dark blue shorts and a black T-shirt

I am remembering:
Mama always.  Also at the reunion there is a little cousin there that is exactly the age Raphael would have been.  It was very nice to see her playing with Rosie – they are good little cousin friends. But I can’t help but wonder what if… sometimes that hole in the family is very noticeable.

I am creating…
a clean house this week as I have only a little typing to do.

I am going…
To take Noah running a few times to get ready for his 5K on the 30th.  I’m also trying to get some cardio in every day this week.

I am reading…
The Duggars

I am hoping…
to get some flute practice in as well as getting all of my cardio in.
I have also discovered that Father Larry Richards does a radio show every day at 10  a.m.   Had the kids listen to it today and it was a very good one about confession!  Think I might make this a daily thing during the summer!

Around the house…
Laundry and getting the classroom in order as well as ordering dirt for the outside.

Pictures I am sharing:
Scenes from a family reunion.

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