My Daily Domestic Clips 07/21/2011 (a.m.)

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  • The Kennedys turning against each other tags: kennedy CURRENTEVENTS
    • So, one might deduce, is the longtime owner. “Rose  wanted to turn the place over to the Benedictine monks before she died,” Benedict Fitzgerald , the family matriarch’s personal attorney, told  author Joe Klein for his book Ted Kennedy: The Dream That  Never Died. “I drew up the legal papers for her on my front porch. But when  Ted found out about it, he ripped the thing in half. There was no way he was  going to have the place turned into a monastery.”
    • With 2011 marking the first year since 1946 without a Kennedy in  Washington, the family isn’t in a position to cannibalize their party. Instead,  they’ve turned on one another. Democrats should be grateful
  • America’s Financial Restoration vs. Obama’s Ideology – Page 1 – David Limbaugh – Townhall Conservative tags: Obama
    • There is an overarching reason we can’t move toward a balanced budget, which  underscores why we face ongoing stalemates over debt ceilings and continuing  resolutions: President Obama doesn’t want to balance the budget.  I don’t say this out of extremism or to be gratuitously controversial or even  provocative. It’s just that his words and actions lead to the inescapable  conclusion that he is unwilling to curb his appetite for big government. In the  absence of any such restraint, our alarming budget trajectory cannot be  reversed. The debt ceiling may be the last clear chance before the 2012  elections to force meaningful budgetary reforms. Obama’s recalcitrance is rooted in his ideology. He has been working all his  adult life toward the moment that he could transform America into a fairer  place. He’s not about to allow an existential threat to the nation get in the  way of his obsession.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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