I didn’t forget – Gabe turns 16

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I truly didn’t forget to blog this – I just ran out of time last week!!

Gabriel aka Gabe, turned 16 last week on the Feast of Mary Magdalene. I like to think that things happen for a reason and I told Gabe that maybe he was born on that feast day to remind him that no matter what he has done, he can always turn his life around and come back to Jesus, and Jesus will still love and forgive him, just as He did Mary Magdalene. I think Gabe understands that more this year than last.

I wrote Gabe’s Birth Story out last year. Gabe was always a very happy little baby.  He was sooo big and at almost 11 pounds!  It hurt my back and built up my arm muscles carrying him around! I remember feeling very proud of my happy big baby.  Gabe also loved his baby swing.  At the time, Mr. Pete had just quit his job and was starting his own business.  With no income, and lots of bills plus two other little boys to take care of, I had to take on a lot of transcription work. Luckily for me, I could Gabe in the swing behind me and he was content for hours.  Neither of the other babies had been like that, so I was grateful that Gabe was.

Gabe was also a late talker. He didn’t talk until he was over three years old. Not a word.  So I find it incredibly ironic that he is now the lead singer and the emcee for the rock band he plays in with his brother! God answered my prayers on that score abundantly.

I wouldn’t say that Gabe is overly devout in the practice of his faith, but he does sing in the parish choir and he does play with the church youth group – which means some Sundays he was playing for two masses – so I guess that makes him at least devoted to his church and his position as a church musician.  I will say that Gabe greatly impressed me when he went with me to pray all four mysteries of the rosary outside the abortion clinic earlier this spring. Not a lot of teenage boys would do that!

Gabe also made the decision to cut his hair – and he has gotten lots of great comments about it.  Father V. even stopped in his tracks to come over and tell him how nice his hair looked!  I think that was a very grown up decision!
Gabe's hair

Aday in June2011 019

We have a lot of work cut out for us this year.  Gabe hasn’t finished his 9th grade work.  I told him that the difference between homeschool and regular school was that in regular school, they would make him start 9th grade over, but in homeschool we keep plugging away until it’s done! I think now that I have him working with our math tutor, that should be easier.

We did celebrate Gabe and Calvin’s birthdays up at the lake yesterday – a tradition that we have had for a number of years now. But next month, I want to have a sweet 16 party for Gabe at our home in our backyard, because he deserves it before the big back-to-school push! 

So here are some Gabe Musical Highlights from last year – looking forward to many more!

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