Simple Women

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Outside my window
Aday in June2011 010
Backyard, a work in progress.  We used to have lush grass in our little back yard – and then we had four boys in a row – the first one was the hardest on everything from furniture to landscaping!

I am thinking…
about the difficult week that just passed. 
Sam's Graduation Mass 2011 012
Sam Graduated

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My beautiful daughter turned 12!

I ran two wedding rehearsals and two weddings

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And I hosted a reception for our choir concert.  

Between it all were the swimming lessons.
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From the Learning Room…
taking a break this week.

From the kitchen…
Turkey tonight!
I am wearing…
Black athletic pants, and an orange work out top by Danskin.

I am remembering:
For mama, always. I do feel a sense of – I don’t know… maybe acceptance since her anniversary has passed.

I am creating…
a nicer backyard. And some ivy around my new tree that is coming today!
Update – it’s here!
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I am going…
to work out with my new kettlebell and the Bob Harper Kettlebell workout.  That is killer! Planning that for Wednesday.  Tomorrow I am either going to do Complete Aerobics with weights or Firm: Calorie Killer .
I am reading…

I am hoping…
to finish swimming lessons this week and kind or relax before my next rehearsal and wedding this weekend.

I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer.

Around the house… 
My new tree comes today!!   Pictures to follow.

pictures I am sharing:  
Gabe’s new hair cut.
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Also the funny difference in diving styles.
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Aday in June2011 058
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  1. Love Gabe's new locks! You can see how handsome his face is =)

  2. i read the duggar's book before i had my first child and it blows me away how chill they are and how michelle disciplines without yelling or spanking. i'm glad i read it because it showed me that there's no such thing as a perfect family — you kind of have to just figure out what works.

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