Simple Woman

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Outside my window

Mr. Pete and I have two old Maple trees that I love very much… but they are old and I knew that they weren’t healthy.  Also one of the trees is planted right over the waste water line from the house to the city sewer line and every spring the roots invade the line and cause a back up in the house. 

When the people at the tool rental place know your name and have the drain snake ready for you it’s time to take action. The trees had to come down.
adayinmay 023

I am thinking…
how much I will miss my trees, but it’s a chance to fix the front lawn the way we want to fix it.  We sort of just inherited everything from the previous owner and it’s time to update and make it look nice.  Also time to do something to prevent kids and bikes from running all over the lawn.

I am thankful …
that the worst tree never fell down into the house, or that a big limb never came down and hurt anyone.

From the learning rooms
rebooting this week with post-civil war for history, more in General Science, another Little House book for Izzy and Huckleberry Finn for Noah and Gabe, maybe Izzy too.

Izzy is drilling on her math facts before I put her into the next math book. Next week our math tutor starts working with Gabe too!  yea!!!!

From the kitchen…
Yesterday was the last day of Sunday school for the year.  We call it PSR for Parish School of Religion. 
But on Sunday mornings around 7 a.m. when Mr. Pete gets up to prepare for his class and I am running around trying to get out the door with the kids dressed up for Sunday school and church, we affectionately pronounce the initials as in “Pisser.”  I know it’s naughty but it somehow makes the Sunday morning madness more manageable.  But I digress… yesterday was Mr. Pete’s last day for the year and someone gave him  a set of meat marinades, so I am preparing chicken thighs in the Jamaican Marinade.  Someone also gave him some Kahlua, which is the first time anyone has ever given him alcohol for for teaching Sunday School!
I am wearing…
Black shorts that I bought with the understanding that someday we were going to have tempertures above 50 degrees! 
I am remembering:
Mama – always.

My sister has started a scholarship in mama’s name to be given to a high school student on Friday and we are going to present it in mom’s name.  It was on my sister’s heart to do it and I think it’s very sweet.
I am creating…
a new front yard.  We are going to get some new bushes, grass seed and a weeping cypress tree to replace one of the trees we took down.
I am going…
try to stick to my diet this week a bit more and keep up with the morning exercise.  Noah has asked me to take him running too so I’ll have a chance for more cardio.

I also have:

  • The final soccer game with senior awards on Saturday which is happening at the same time as
  • the funeral for one of our friends from church.
  • followed by the kids playing for Saturday night mass followed by
  • the homeschool dance.
  • Sunday mass and then Mr. Pete and I play a concert.

I guess I’ll have time to rest when I’m dead!!!

I am reading…
Nothing right now. Sort of taking a book break.
I am hoping…
that Sam will be able to pass the CLEP test in General Science.
I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer

Around the house…
getting use to not having my trees but hopeful that I will like my new front yard when we get it done.

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