Simple Woman

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Outside my window

Dear Rain, please go away.  I am thoroughly sick of you!

I am thinking…
about the trifecta of good things from over the weekend!
The Royal Wedding.
The Beatification of John Paul II
My goddaughter’s confirmation!!!
May 2011 008

I am thankful …
that we got a chance to visit my goddaughter/niece on the Ohio State Campus and witness her lovely confirmation mass.  The bishop of Columbus is funny!!   Really a good homilist and story teller.

From the learning rooms
We finished Uncle Tom’s Cabin – an awesome book! It has action, adventure, romance, mayhem, comedy, tragedy – why hasn’t this been a movie remake is beyond me.  Probably because of the deep religious Christian theme that ran through it that I found to be very moving and even provided a few epiphany moments for me!

Gabe, Noah and Sophie, listening to Uncle Tom’s Cabin and reading along
May 2011 003
We are deepening our study of the civil war and moving ahead in our science book. 

Gabe is still struggling with Saxon 1/2.  Noah has just started it but I bought him his own book and it’s the newest edition.  If Gabe doesn’t hurry it up and if Noah keeps plowing ahead, then they might end up together – which would be great for me because my tutor just raised his rates to $18 an hour and it would be great if I could have him do two kids at once.

From the kitchen…
I’m sort of winging it tonight.  Chicken, with Mrs. Dash over noodles with balsalmic vinegar and maybe some frozen peas?  How does that sound?

I am wearing…
Black pants and the shirt Mr. Pete earned for donating so much blood to the Red Cross.

I am remembering:
Mama- always, but especially in this week before Mother’s Day.

I had an interesting talk with my sister over the weekend. I was berating myself for not being there when she died and also expressing my disdain for Asera care for not providing more guidance towards the end.  Sis said she made peace with it because she thinks that was Mama’s meeting with Jesus.  That was her time with him and we weren’t supposed to be there.  I hadn’t thought about it that way; maybe she’s right.

I am also a bit sad about the first communion season and how my little guy isn’t around for that. I did provide a very nice book of saints to my niece who will be receiving in a few weeks and maybe I’ll provide a St. Raphael Holy Card or something in it just as my way of paying homage and remembering. No one wants to hear about this and it’s not something that’s easy to bring up.  Mr. Pete sort of shrugs. He just doesn’t know what to say and I doubt he would have known that this was the year if I hadn’t pointed it out. So I think it’s my own little sorrow to carry around.
I am creating…
A clean classroom this week.  I swear I have to clean that room more than the bathroom!

I am going…
the Bikini Boot Camp, although I fell behind with Easter and I’ll miss some workouts for some upcoming events.  Keeping up with the Slim fast though, although I am getting a little sick of it.

I am reading…
Homeschooling with Gentleness: A Catholic Discovers Unschooling  Gabe saw this and wanted to know, “When does the homeschooling with gentleness start?” 
Saint Monica

I am hoping…
to get through the month of May.  September and May are just killer months for parents because of all the activities.  Really hate to wish my life away, but I will indeed be glad when May is over!

I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer

Around the house…
Would love to dig up and get ready to garden if only it would get a chance to dry up a little. 

A picture I am sharing:  
This is my grandma’s family.  She is the young girl in the middle in the back.   I just realized that her family constellation is a bit like mine – four boys and two girls  although I had my four boys first and in a row.  Still it’s kind of interesting.  I just found this picture in a box (my folks were terrible at taking care of pictures!) so I resurrected it and put it into a nice frame.

The Paul and Mary Beveridge Family

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1 Comment

  1. I love digging up old pictures. That one looks like it is still in good shape.

    Our Lady of Sorrows knows the sorrow deep within your heart. She's there to understand and console like no other.

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