Homeschooling High School – senior pictures

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A few years ago before my oldest was a senior, I asked my sister about senior pictures. She told me that to get a nice package with lots of variety, was around $600 in her experience. That was definitely out of the question for us!

When I mentioned it to Mr. Pete, he said, “We could buy a nice camera for that” and the thought clicked with me. So before Calvin Graduated we bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS70S 7MP Digital Camera with 3x Image Stabilized Zoom. It was a great little point and shoot and I took Calvin’s Senior picture with it!

Not perfect, but it served our needs and Calvin liked it.  I got a 5 x 10 for our house and then wallet sizes from Walgreen’s Photo.

A few years later I was able to make a bigger investment and I bought a Pentax K200 and have been using it ever since.  I blogged about that here.

I had been bugging Sam all year to get a hair cut so that I could get a nice senior picture. So last week when he got a hair cut and picked up his tux for the prom, I got him dressed and set out for a site that I thought would be beautiful for pictures. Then I clicked away.
Sam's Senior Picture Shoot

Here is the one I picked.  After a little editing in Picnic it was just the way I wanted.
Sam Senior Picture

I also ordered his announcements from Walgreens!

All told with the Picnic subscription and the announcments, my costs were still less than $100 dollars! For us it’s an economical and unique way to get homeschool high school senior pictures!

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1 Comment

  1. Great photos, Elena! And what a handsome young man! Praying for him and his future education and vocation!

    May God bless Him and keep Him in His loving care!

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