Feast of the Visitation

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Some good ideas and reading at Catholic Culture

We end this last day of May, Mary’s month, with another example of Mary’s loving nature and kindness. In the midst of early first trimester pregnancy herself, Mary thinks only of another, her cousin Elizabeth.

In the book The Year and Our Children, Mary Reed Newland talks about the little shrines she made throughout her house for the Blessed Mother. Today might be a good day to do that. (Check out this lovely homemade Marian shrine!) If you live near a Marian shrine today or tomorrow might be good days to visit.

It might also be a good day to plant some flowers around your Mary Statue and clean her up a bit, which is what we are going to do today.
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  1. I think it's about time I got a real statue of the Blessed Mother for our home. 🙂

  2. Check out e-Bay. lots of good stuff there and if you like vintage looking statues it's ideal!

  3. Wonderful site
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    Thank You

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