Simple Woman

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Outside my window

Gray, wet, raining – again!
I am thinking…
about the Easter weekend!  Definitely a time for prayer, reflection, preparation and celebration!  We started out on Maudy Thursday with mass and the reservation of the Eucharist before Good Friday! Always very moving for me.  I had planned to attend Good Friday and even play with the music group, but Gabe woke up with a terrible tooth ache – a tooth we had put off getting pulled until summer vacation!  But it needed to come out that day and I was able to get him into the oral surgeon to have it done. So I spent the afternoon caring for him – not that he needed it.  It’s amazing how much easier a 15 year old can take oral surgery than Mr. Pete and I could when we were both over 40!  He did really well. 

Well enough that he played soccer the next day, sang with the choir for Easter Vigil and then got up to sing for Easter morning too!  I am awed!

Mr. Pete and I sang for Easter morning and the church was packed!  Nice to see all those folks again that haven’t seen since Christmas!  Then it was off to my sister’s house for Easter dinner.  It was really a nice day!

I am thankful …
my family, immediate and extended, and for my parish family.

From the learning rooms
Sam is still preparing for the Natural Science CLEP test.  He talked to his College Plus coach last Thursday who asked him how long he was planning to take to finish this degree?  I think that put things in perspective for him. Still I wish he were more focused.
From the kitchen…
Black Bean Wraps from the Slim Fast Web Site are delicious!!!

I am wearing…
Warm ups and a white shirt.
I am remembering:
Mama- always
Also, that this would have been Raphael’s first communion year.  We decorated his grave for Easter and decorated the bushes by the angle statue with Easter Eggs. It looks very colorful even from the express way!

I am creating…
A clean house.  It’s time to get rid of mama’s old vinyl records.  Everytime I say that someone suggests that I try to sell them, but i wonder where?  They are classical albums and I don’t see much of a market for them.
I am going…
to continue the Bikini Boot Camp with the FIRM by Emily Welsh.  I got four workouts in last week and lost two pounds!  go me!

I am reading…
The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux: The Story of a Soul
Homeschooling with Gentleness: A Catholic Discovers Unschooling  Gabe saw this and wanted to know, “When does the homeschooling with gentleness start?” 

I am hoping…
to get ahold of the Wii Dance party.  We played that at my sister’s house yesterday and I had a blast!! It was soo much fun.  I was a little afraid to try it at first because it was something new, but all those years of Jazzercise and home exercise videos paid off!  It was just as easy as following that. I think I terrified my kids though. As I was dancin and groovin and movin, and I announced that I really wanted to get one of those for Mother’s Day, to which Noah replied, “Dad, we just can’t let that happen!!”

I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer

Around the house…
Getting back into the grove after spring break. 

A picture I am sharing:  
April 2011 109
what Easter photo wouldn’t be complete without the garbage can in the background!   Ah well, the egg shells and Easter basket grass had to go somewhere!

The Easter Bunny cake
Easter Bunny cake- thought up and executed by Izzy!

April 2011 097

April 2011 061

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1 Comment

  1. Sorry about the tooth complications…glad it all turned out well for your Easter weekend…
    I've been looking at Wii Dance, too…and I used to do Jazzercise and should start back because i'm not doing anything athletic right now..
    The Easter Bunny cakes are so cute.
    Have a blessed week,
    Mama Bear

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