Outside my window…
I really envy all of you bloggers from more temperate climates who are putting your gardens in and enjoying the planting season. Here in NE Ohio we are still having lots and lots and lots of rain with colder temperatures, with an occasional teasing nice day – but those seem few and far between – or am I just impatient.
I am thinking…
About the reading on Sunday, about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. I always find so much to ponder in that story. I wrote about the shortest verse, “And Jesus Wept” a few years ago. This year a different part of the story stood out for me.
So the sisters sent word to him, saying, “Master, the one you love is ill.”
4 When Jesus heard this he said, “This illness is not to end in death, 2 but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
6 So when he heard that he was ill, he remained for two days in the place where he was.
Doesn’t it seem sometimes when you really need help from heaven that help is slow to come? or that sometimes no help comes at all! I remember two years ago pleading with God to let my mother live long enough to let Rosie know her better. I prayed that she wouldn’t suffer. Neither of those prayers were answered. Yet I wonder if the way things turned out were for some larger good that I can’t as yet understand, and that maybe because of his love for me and my family, things had to follow the path that they did. I wonder if mainly Mom’s death happened the way that it did because of something that Mom needed, either to finish this life or to start the next one. Maybe she spent her purgatory here? That’s what I like to hope anyway.
I am thankful …
for the three opportunities I had to serve in this past week. They really added a nice dimension to my Lenten Journey. Last night, Mr. Pete and I were part of the music ministry for a memorial mass at a local high school, and as sad as that was for parts of the congregation, I think the music helped to bring comfort to them.
From the learning rooms…
Sam is still preparing for the Natural Science CLEP test. He is using this site to prepare for the astronomy portion. Izzy and Noah have both completed their math books for the year. Noah will be starting his 8th grade math book after spring break, so he will be a little ahead! Izzy will be starting the 5th grade math book after spring break – she is still about a year behind, but catching up! Gabe is still plugging on!
We are enjoying Uncle Tom’s Cabin together and the girls and I are reading Little House in the Big Woods
From the kitchen…
Chicken and noodles in white sauce.
I am wearing…
My workout clothes. I am writing this between my workout and the start of the school day.
I am remembering:
Mama- always
Also, that this would have been Raphael’s first communion year. I want to do something for my little niece as she makes her first communion.
I am creating…
A clean house as I progress in my spring cleaning.
I am going…
to continue the Bikini Boot Camp with the FIRM by Emily Welsh. I got four workouts in last week. I have to figure out a way to get two more in a week (that doesn’t involve getting up at 5:30 a.m.!)
I am reading…
The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux: The Story of a Soul
I am hoping…
to continue my Lenten resolutions. I did manage to get an extra mass in already this week!
I am hearing…
the buzz in my ears and the humm of my computer
Around the house…
I am going to do my big spring cleaning next week – I really just want to keep the rest of the house in order until then. This would be so much easier if there weren’t 7 other people living here!!!!
A picture I am sharing:
My best soccer pictures from last week’s Saturday Soccer
Noah Kicking
I like this one because it looks like the players are choreographed!!
and this one because of Gabe’s hair!
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