My Daily Domestic Clips 04/25/2011 (a.m.)

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Update:  I guess you have to purchase the list from the author  – it is NOT free. I got the list from someone in one of my Yahoo Groups.  I have taken the link down, but you can purchse it for $7 with a Paypal or credit card.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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  1. FYI, I just found out from my homeschool list that we're really supposed to buy this reading list. I'm going to send Maria a check today.

  2. Wow! I got the list from a lady on one of my Yahoo groups, who found it somewhere else. No mention of payment was ever mentioned.

    Usually, when you buysomething like an E-book or list you have to get a code to open after payment with strict instructions not to share the link.

    This link is on the web now and I'm sorry I posted it.

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