My Daily Domestic Clips 04/07/2011 (a.m.)

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  • Interesting article about Obama’s re-election chances, but I found the comment below to be LOL funny – if it weren’t so sadly true!
    • Obama has the leftist media propaganda service completly behind him. He could be caught in bed with a live boy and a dead girl and the liberal media would think that’s wonderfful. There are enough parasites, felons, illegals, traitors, and union scum to reelect him.
    • Take a step back, and imagine what the founding fathers would think if they saw how our country’s finances have changed. From 1790 to 1930, government spending on average accounted for just 3% of American GDP. Today, government spending absorbs closer to 24% of GDP.
    • When Medicaid was created in 1965 to provide health insurance to low income Americans, 1 in 50 Americans received Medicaid, now 1 in 6 Americans receives Medicaid.
    • By the time her husband had retired, she had stopped waitressing and they were spending day in and day out together with some occasional traveling. The children were gone and life had grown monotonous, she said.

      “I said, well one of us ought to be working,” Morris said.

      That’s when she decided to start her nursing career, entering nursing school at age 57, nearly 25 years ago.

      She graduated in 1991 at the top of her class and went on to become a registered nurse. By the mid-1990s, her husband had developed Alzheimer’s disease and suddenly died after an acute illness. That’s when she decided to move out West to be among the mountains.

      Morris said money had always been tight, so when she came to Carson City she lived in her motor home for a year.

      “I was living on $600 a month,” she said. “That was back in 1995.”

  • An overstepping of authority again on the part of the hospital and the police!

      Las Vegas, NV – A mother laboring under the care of Certified Professional Midwife April Kermani was transported to Summerlin Hospital Tuesday for stalled labor. Dr. Donald Roberts assumed care, and the mother gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl about 7 hours after admission. On Wednesday the parents, Cecilia and Lincoln Rogers, were told they could not be discharged without a blood test for jaundice, a common and typically harmless condition among newborns. The test results came back with slightly elevated levels of bilirubin, indicating a mild case of jaundice.

      The nursing staff told the parents they would have to place their daughter, Lilia Taylor Rogers, in isolation to undergo phototherapy and not allowed to nurse, but fed artificially with formula instead. They refused the treatment since newborn jaundice will usually resolve itself within two weeks. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends that jaundiced newborns continue to breastfeed regularly, as frequent feedings help remove bilirubin in the body. They were told by the attending pediatrician they were cleared to take the baby home and follow up with their midwife and pediatrician over the next several days.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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