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1. Last year at this time in one of my 7-Quick Takes, I blogged about my oldest son Calvin moving out of our home. Now it looks like he will be moving back! His lease is up. He has lost his second roommate and doesn’t have any prospects of getting another one to help with the rent. He will also be on an emergency EMS squad as a volunteer 48 hours a month in addition to his paying gig, AND he will be pursuing his paramedic training in the fall. So it seems that staying at home to get that all done is the best option.

2. It’s so funny that although he lived here for over 20 years, finding room for him to come back is problematic! We really did take over all the space he used to occupy! His siblings aren’t happy about that. I worry about him interrupting our homeschool all the time until his paramedic training starts. On Calvin’s days off he likes to come here and play Halo and his favorite people to play against are his brothers! I’ve seen too many math lessons cut short so that they could run down stairs and play with their older brother! He is bringing a wide screen t.v. with him. Maybe if he plays his games in his room it won’t be as much of a distraction.

3. I have been trying to arrange a meeting for my homeschool group. I need 30 people to attend so that I can get the meeting room for free at the restaurant I booked. I didn’t think it would be a problem. We have 90 in the group. I only needed 1/3. It has been surprisingly difficult and this is even with a very gifted and dynamic speaker lined up. I’m kind of at a loss with this group. The group quit coming to monthly meetings held at a set time and place and for a few years we didn’t have any meetings. Then one of the members started having casual dinners at a local restaurant for members and they were well received, although they too died out. I thought combining a speaker (which never had regularly before) with dinner would be received well and possibly even standing room only. I was wrong.

4. One of our members has organized a Valentine’s party for little kids and that has gone over well. I think we’re going through a transition. The older, more experienced homeschoolers are so over it! The newer members with younger kids have the enthusiasm now. I think if I want to revive the group it’s going to have to be with a concentration on them.

5. Sam and I had our first screaming fight ever!   He wanted to go somewhere and take his younger brother and their friend.  Since it required highway driving and I have a big phobia about that, I told him no.  He then pulled out his brand new, bright and shiny, “but I’m 18 now and can do whatever I want” card.  After reasoning with him for a while, i.e.

“It’s snowy out and you’re an inexperienced driver.”

“But I’m 18.”

“But your brother is still a minor.”

“So, I’ll go without him.”

“I’m really worried about you getting into a crash.”

“Nothing is going to happen!”

I finally threw up my hands and said, “Fine. But if anything happens I’ll be the first to say I told you so!” to which Sam replied, “Well that’s not very motherly!”

He went.  He was back within an hour. Nothing bad happened.  We also discovered that we can’t stay mad at each other very long. 

As a side note, Calvin told me he was coming over and got behind this little white car that was only going 35.  When he passed it, he saw it was Sam!”  So I know he is driving responsibly.  I try not to think about Calvin’s driving.

6.  Last week I gave a talk to the confirmation girl’s at church.  It was okay I guess. The girl’s on the video look like they are bored. to. tears.  You can see it in my Youtube channel.

7.  Tomorrow I talk to the PreCana group.  I guess I am fated to always get my big public speaking obligations done in February!.  Here’s a clip from last year’s talk.

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