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Outside my window

This view around here over the weekend.
November 2010 013
I am thinking…
There is a myth about taking care of children. The myth is that taking care of babies and toddlers is harder than taking care of older children. I know because I bought into that myth for a long time – until my chidren were no longer babies and toddlers! But now that they are older and especially now that their school work is tougher, I find myself busier than ever!!

And I don’t think it’s just homeschool moms either! I remember all the driving around my mom did when we were little, and all of the endless hours working on math problems that I spent with my grandma – I think I have just discovered a well kept secret – it gets much harder before it they finally leave the home!!

I am thankful …
that my mother and grandmother invested the time in effort in me during my pre-teen and teenage years.

From the learning rooms
Sam:  Pre-Calc.
Still studying for the Analyzing literature CLEP test.

Gabe:    The big news for Gabe this week is that I finally enrolled him in the Kolbe Academy program.  More on that later this week.   He continues to work on Saxon Algebra 1/2 .

Noah:  Saxon 6/7.   Gabe and Noah are finishing up the study guide from  Robinson Cruso .  They are also doing chapter 9 in Apologia Exploring Creation Science and  Rosetta Stone Latin.   

Izzy is doing amazingly well in reading.  I read a story to her yesterday. She stumbled through it herself right afterwards. After a night of sleeping on it- she nailed it today!  It’s amazing how the brain makes those connections over night.

From the kitchen…
A Duggar favorite- Tater Tot Casserole!
I am wearing…
Deep purle pans, black T- gray hoodie!
I am remembering:
Mama – always.  Raphael’s 8th birthday is coming up too.  I worked on four indulgences last week and attended the cemetery mass.  Remembering the dead during the month of November is off to a good start for  me!

I am creating…
pictures for the athletic case at the parish school.  They asked for a couple of my photographs to be displayed!  I was thrilled.  Here are the two they specifically asked for:

fall2010 361

fall2010 669
I am going…
try to get at least four workouts in this week. As it is Tuesday and I’ve already done two – I think I can make it!  I admit that I was a bit of a snob when it came to the “older” Firm tapes, the ones done in the 80s and 90s.  They looked so dated to me with the high hip leotards and the leg warmers.  But last week I did Firm Strength The Firm - The Firm Cross Trainers: Firm Strength [VHS]and I have been feeling it ever since!  It was a very good workout.

I am reading…
A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning

Architects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy---and how they will do it again if no one stops themArchitects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy—and how they will do it again if no one stops them

Yes I know that I have been reading these for weeks, but I am a thorough reader and there are things in Architects of Ruin that are just too important to gloss over. I am trying to understand the whole thing.

I am hoping…
that Glenn Beck’s predictions about the falling dollar and the hyperinflation are not true, but I have started hearing other people say the same thing.  When bread gets to $24/loaf, I wonder how anyone will be able to manage?

I am hearing…
silence downstairs – big kids are gone/ little kids watching t.v.

Around the house…
I am trying to get super organized! My next five weeks are not my own but belong to various concerts and other responsibilities.

On a positive note- I do have two Christmas presents already bought!! yea me!
A picture I am sharing:  

November 2010 018
Best friends and brothers.

November 2010 029
A bird in the hand… Noah’s hand specifically

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