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Outside my window

This view around here over the weekend.

November 2010 053

I am thinking…
two concerts down, three to go!  Gabe, Sam, and Noah provided the percussion section for our bell choir’s rendition of Riu Riu Chiu while I played the flute.  I was really proud of my little family!

I am thankful …
for the joy my children continue to give me at every age.

From the learning rooms
Sam:  Pre-Calc, science, Spanish II, start organ studies again.

Gabe:     Saxon Algebra 1/2  , vocabulary and spelling, start Lord of the Flies, Science unit 10 plus latin.
Noah:  Saxon 6/7.    Rosetta Stone Latin.    and Saxon 7/6.  All of the above with Gabe.

Izzy:  Pathway readers, Science, spelling, grammar and book Santa Fe Trail.

From the kitchen…
Baked chicken, potatoes and green bean casserole.

I am wearing…
I am in concert dress – typing this as I wait for the time to leave for the concert, where I will be performing Riu Riu Chiu. 

I am remembering:
Mama – always. 

I am creating…

I am going…
hiking with my kids tomorrow.  We need three more hikes to finish our annual hiking spree and since tomorrow is supposed to be nice, we are going to try to get at least two of them in.  I continue to work on the FIRM tapes and got three in last week.

The Firm Body Sculpting System, Fat Blasting Cardio with Lisa Kay
The FIRM Fat Blasting Cardio
was one of the most difficult workouts I have ever done. Not interms of exercise intensity but in terms of choreography!  Then I figured out that when the instructor says Left, she means HER LEFT, which is a little different.  She also leaves out little cues like “tap your foot” so if you’re not watching closely you end up on the wrong foot very easily.  It took me three times to feel as if I have a handle on this choreography!

BTW, my niece sent this in on Facebook – it is really surprisingly tough!

I am reading…

Architects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy---and how they will do it again if no one stops themArchitects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy—and how they will do it again if no one stops them

No time to read last week. I hope it finish it up this week.

Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla: A Woman’s Life – has been mesmorizing! 

Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla: A Woman’s Life, 1922-1962 (Saints and Holy People)
Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla: A Woman's Life, 1922-1962 (Saints and Holy People)

I am hoping…
to get my house cleaned up and do well at my concert next week which has much harder music!  I also hope to hear about Sam’s CLEP score.

I am hearing…
silence downstairs – big kids are gone/ little kids watching t.v.

Around the house…
Get ready for Advent.

A picture I am sharing:  

The boys and I at our performance this yesterday
November 2010 093

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