My Daily Domestic Clips 11/11/2010 (a.m.)

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    • the nation’s 200 or so Roman Catholic bishops prepare for their annual meeting in Baltimore next week (Nov. 15-18), the CCHD has become yet another battlefield in what some Catholics lament is an increasingly polarized church.

      As the U.S. bishops’ flagship anti-poverty program, the CCHD is funded through a special collection taken up each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Since 1970, the program has disbursed $290 million in grants, according to CCHD officials.

      But the program’s practices and guiding philosophy have been sharply attacked by conservatives armed with Internet-enhanced research, a sharp nose for malfeasance, and a deep apprehension for anything that sniffs of socialism.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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