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Outside my window

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We are having beautiful warm weather for this late in fall.  The trees aren’t sure what to do, whether to hang on to their green color or submit to the color change and drop their leaves!

I am thinking…
a lot about some problems one of my friends is having with her new daughter-in-law.  My mother-in-law was always very gracious, kind and sweet to me.  We only ever had one disagreement and it was over detergent! She was widowed at that time and Mr. Pete was living away from me to continue his education, and so we were both alone.  One Sunday afternoon I decided to call her to see if she needed anything at the store, and she said yes, that she needed some “detergent.”  So feeling like a very good daughter-in-law, I went out to the store and picked her up a box of Tide Laundry Detergent.  Much to my surprise and disappointment, she didn’t need laundry detergent – she meant dish washing liquid, which she also called detergent. Proving the old adage, no good deed goes unpunished, she was a little miffed at me and I was ticked at her, but it only lasted a few moments and then we were friends again. I always made efforts to take the grandchildren up to see her and towards the end of her life we really went out of our way to make sure that she got to spend some time with her grandchildren.

The truth is that for the mother of sons, the way to her grandchildren is going to be through her daughter-in-law so it seems in everyone’s best interest for everyone to get along.  I made up my mind a long time ago that I was going to be like Naomi to Ruth with my future daughter-in-laws.

I am thankful …
for the wonderful mother-in-law that I had. She was a wonderful mother, seamstress, cook, housekeeper, and a wonderful Catholic model of womanhood.  She raised a good son in Mr. Pete.

From the learning rooms
Sam will be studying Pre-Calc now that he has completed Algebra II! We will know what CLEP he will be studying after we talk to his College Plus Coach this week.  Gabe needs to put more time in his math program ALEKS and start Saxon Algebra 1/2 . Noah is plugging along in Saxon 67 and Izzy in 54.  Rosie and I will learn about Abraham this week and keep working in her phonics book.  Gabe and Noah are reading Robinson Cruso .  They are also enjoying Rosetta Stone Latin.   We are going to be spending more time on Andrew Jackson this week and building DNA models!

From the kitchen…
This delicious sandwhich is definitely on the menu this week!  It is worth 11 Weight Watchers points and is over 500 calories, but if I cut it in half and have a salad with it, that shouldn’t be too bad, particularly if I eat lightly the rest of the day.
I am wearing…
my night gown.

I am remembering:
Mama – always.  Raphael’s 8th birthday is coming up too.  Unbelievable that it has been eight years.  We did go out to the cemetery this weekend and put some silk flowers and a pumpkin on his grave.  Put some mini pumpkins and gourds over at mom’s niche too.  The little baby that died and was buried from our parish a week or so ago is also buried in babyland at our Catholic cemetery and I paid a visit there too.

I am creating…
a slide presentation of all my cross country photos for the banquet next year!

I am going…
to continue working out.  I have lost 9 pounds since I took my exercise schedule up a notch!

I am reading…
A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of LearningA Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning

Architects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy---and how they will do it again if no one stops themArchitects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy—and how they will do it again if no one stops them

I am hoping…
to have a fruitful positive week.

I am hearing…
the humm of the air conditioner which I actually had to turn back on, albeit on fan.

Around the house…
maintenance and laundry

A picture I am sharing:  
Some soccer pictures of the boys over the weekend
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