My Daily Domestic Clips 10/29/2010 (p.m.)

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  • Cardinal-Designate Burke Says Catholics Cannot Vote for Candidates Who Are Pro-Choice Annotated tags: abortion catholic election
    • Just ahead of Election Day, one of the most influential American churchmen in the Vatican, Cardinal-designate Raymond L. Burke, has warned Catholic voters in the United States that they may never vote for politicians who support abortion rights or same-sex marriage, position usually associated with Democratic candidates.

      Burke, an outspoken conservative and the former archbishop of
      St. Louis who will
      be made a cardinal
      by Pope Benedict XVI next month, made his remarks in a videotaped interview in Rome with Thomas J. McKenna, head of Catholic Action for Faith and Family, a conservative lobbying group based in San Diego.

      the interview, which Catholic
      taped on Oct. 20 and started promoting Thursday on YouTube, McKenna
      asks Burke, “Is it ever licit for a Catholic to vote for a pro-abortion
      candidate, a candidate who either in a platform or who has voted, has shown
      himself to support that. Is it ever valid?”

      “No,” Burke answers. “You can
      never vote for someone who favors absolutely the right to choice of a woman to
      destroy a human life in her womb or the right to a procured abortion.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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