My Daily Domestic Clips 10/16/2010 (p.m.)

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  • Colleen Hammond | Pro-life News | Difficult Pregnancies, Precarious Choices, and the Absolute Value of Innocent Lives | 2010-10-15 10:29:19 Annotated tags: abortion Catholic prolife
    • An April 2010 research study showed impressive survival rates for pregnant
      mothers with pulmonary hypertension. This was achieved by combining
      multi-specialty collaboration with planned and managed delivery. The results,
      published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (BJOG), indicated
      that all nine of the patients in the small study group survived along with their
      unborn children.
    • As the fire pulses dangerously around them, it becomes apparent that the only
      way the firefighters might be able to quickly pass would be to take a saw and
      cut the body of the collapsed man into pieces, causing his death, and then pull
      out sections of his body until a passage large enough for them to pass through
      had been opened up. Clearly, the firefighters would be obligated to try
      everything else to save the child and the collapsed man (shifting his body this
      way or that, trying to rouse him from his unconsciousness, etc.) but they could
      never choose to directly kill him by cutting up his body, even for the very good
      reason of gaining access to the next floor and saving the trapped child.
      This example points towards an old adage sometimes cited by
      moralists: Better two deaths than one murder. Some might say
      that  “murder” would not fit here, given that the term generally connotes a
      callous, wanton, and premeditated act of killing, instead of an urgent,
      emotional and difficult decision in the face of few or no alternatives. But even
      the strongest emotion and the greatest difficulties surrounding such cases must
      be focused through the lens of a similar affirmation: Better two deaths than
      the direct taking of an innocent life

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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