Sunday Snippetts – A Catholic Carnival

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Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at This That and the Other Blog. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

Lots of action this week over at Visits to Candyland.
Candy ran her annual “Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon” post which we easily countered.

Another blogger wrote:

If the Church is teaching things that are contrary to scripture, persecuting God’s people, and uniting itself with governments, then it is acting as the harlot of Babylon, which the reformers and earlier dissenters recognized. She is called that because she leaves the protection of her husband and unites herself with other protectors (states), seduces people by a false gospel, and kills those who do not comply. This is the picture in Revelation 17. This is what the reformers and other earlier bible christians saw and testified to. Thousands and thousands were killed for not bowing to this ‘church’. This was happening for hundreds of years, up until the late 1800’s. The papacy lost temporal power then, but still influenced states by concordats and other treaties in the last century and this one. I believe it will happen again, and be united with other ‘church’ hierarchies to persecute those who hold to the word of Christ. So I am here to give this perspective as a warning to watch for the signs of the times.

79 comments later, we’re still discussing it.

A couple of thoughts.
I wonder if some churches just spend all of their time railing against Catholicism? Do they discuss anything else or is the whole source and summit of their purpose just to not be Catholic?

Secondly, I said that when I first read that comment, the words “nut case” came into my mind. That’s been deleted, I apologized, but I’m just stunned by the folks who apparently just keep watch on their readers to make sure that I tow the the line, but don’t seem to have any other opinion or reason for commenting. It is apparently okay to attack the Catholic Church in the most viscious or absurd manner, but to opine that such attacks are nutty, brings their rath. It’s curious.

On a brighter note, this week brings the birthday of the Blessed Mother. We intend to have a white dinner, and this time we are opting for white chili, with white cake for desert!

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