My Daily Domestic Clips 09/18/2010 (a.m.)

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  • Small strides being made in ovarian cancer treatment | 13NEWS / | Hampton Roads Health & Medical News, Nutrition and Fitness | | News for Hampton Roads, Virginia Annotated tags: cancer ovariancancer
    • Dr. McCollum says women can reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by having
      multiple babies, breast feeding and using oral contraceptives.
      “We’ve seen survival gradually extend.  The cure rate has not improved,
      but the average life expectancy has become prolonged,” he noted.
      Research continues to look for early markers that a woman has ovarian cancer,
      but Dr. McCollum believes finding them is still years away.
  • Why African Babies Don’t Cry: An African Perspective – The Natural Child Project Annotated So easy and yet Western women have forgotten this gentle art that our African sisters practice with their babies! tags: breastfeeding
      • At the wedding, the people whose table we sat at noted, “She is such an easy
        baby – though she does feed a lot”. I kept my silence, then another lady
        commented, “Though I did read somewhere that African babies don’t cry much.” I
        could not help but laugh.
        My grandmother’s gentle wisdom:

        1. Offer the breast every single
          moment that your baby is upset – even if you have just fed her.
        2. Co-sleep. Many times you can
          feed your baby before they are fully awake, which will allow them to go back to
          sleep easier and get you more rest.
        3. Always take a flask of warm
          water with bed to you at night to keep you hydrated and the milk flowing.
        4. Make the feeding your priority
          (especially during growth spurts) and get everyone else around you to do as much
          as they can for you. There is very little that cannot wait.
        5. Read your baby, not the books.
          Breastfeeding is not linear – it goes up and down (and also in circles). You are
          the expert on your baby’s needs.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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