My Daily Domestic Clips 08/12/2010 (a.m.)

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  • Bill O’Reilly: Jennifer Aniston ‘Destructive To Our Society’ Annotated I totally agree with Bill O’reilly here.  My parents separated and my Dad did not seem to have the means or the desire to really take care of us. Thank God my Grandpa stepped up.  

    When I see the role Mr. Pete plays in the lives of our children I am so grateful that they have a great Dad.  

    Sorry Jennifer, but I think you got this one wrong! tags: family

    • Bill O’Reilly says recent comments Jennifer Aniston made about the role of men in child-rearing are “destructive to society.”

      “Women are realizing more and more knowing that they dont have to settle with a man just to have a child,” Aniston said while promoting her film, “The Switch.”

      While O’Reilly acknowledged the strength of single mothers, he said that single-parenting is “possible, but it’s not optimum, and that’s where Ms. Aniston makes her mistake.

      “She’s throwing a message out to 12-year-olds and 13-year-olds that, ‘Hey, you don’t need a guy! You don’t need a dad!’ That’s destructive to our society,” he said.

      And he added that Aniston is “diminishing the role of the dad” in making such comments.

  • Timber Tax | Federal Timber Income Tax | Filing Tax on Timber tags: taxes timber
  • GT | Initial Trials on New Ovarian Cancer Tests Exhibit Extremely High Accuracy Annotated Very heartening news! tags: cancer ovariancancer
    • cientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have attained very promising results on their initial investigations of a new test for ovarian cancer. Using a new technique involving mass spectrometry of a single drop of blood serum, the test correctly identified women with ovarian cancer in 100 percent of the patients tested. The results can be found online in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, & Prevention Researc
    • Because ovarian cancer is a disease of relatively low prevalence, it’s essential that tests for it be extremely accurate. We believe we may have developed such a test,” said John McDonald, chief research scientist at the Ovarian Cancer Institute (Atlanta) and professor of biology at Georgia Tech.

      The measurement step in the test, developed by the research group of Facundo Fernandez, associate professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Tech, uses a single drop of blood serum, which is vaporized by hot helium plasma. As the molecules from the serum become electrically charged, a mass spectrometer is used to measure their relative abundance. The test looks at the small molecules involved in metabolism that are in the serum, known as metabolites. Machine learning techniques developed by Alex Gray, assistant professor in the College of Computing and the Center for the Study of Systems Biology, were then used to sort the sets of metabolites that were found in cancerous plasma from the ones found in healthy samples. Then, McDonald’s lab mapped the results between the metabolites found in both sets of tissue to discover the biological meaning of these metabolic changes.

    • The assay did extremely well in initial tests involving 94 subjects. In addition to being able to generate results using only a drop of blood serum, the test proved to be 100 percent accurate in distinguishing sera from women with ovarian cancer from normal controls. In addition it registered neither a single false positive nor a false negative
  • Colleen Hammond | Family Life, Homeschool, Parenting | Should Homeschooling Parents Have College Degrees? | 2010-08-02 07:24:32 tags: homeschool
  • Colleen Hammond | Etiquette, Family Life | How to Make Introductions Like a Gentleman | 2010-08-11 06:03:39 tags: etiquette
  • Scholarship fraud: Welcome to the School of Hard Knocks Annotated Avoiding scholarship fraud companies tags: college finance scholarship
  • Arlington Catholic Herald – In tragedy, sisters find compassion – Annotated tags: Catholic nuns
    • My heart has been breaking for the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia this week. What was supposed to be the order’s annual retreat, filled with prayer and renewal, has morphed into days of nonstop hospital vigils and impromptu public relations.
      As if the tragic death of Sister Denise Mosier and the critical injuries of Sisters Charlotte Lange and Connie Ruth Lupton as the result of an Aug. 1 collision with an alleged drunk driver weren’t enough, the story exploded even more Monday night and Tuesday morning when it was revealed that the driver is an illegal immigrant with multiple arrests and citations, including two other DUIs. No doubt this will spark political fireworks in the ever-continuing immigration debate, and maybe it should. But as anger and frustration and grief mounts, we would do well to observe and internalize the response of the sisters themselves.
      Are they sad? Immensely. Are they angry? Yes, and some more than others, said Sister Glenna Smith, spokeswoman. But what do they do? They pray. Not just for the family of Sister Denise and the injured sisters, but specifically for the man who caused the accident. In the midst of the deepest grief, they find forgiveness.
      “That young man is 23 years old and his life will never be the same,” Sister Glenna said. “So we have compassion for him.
  • Arlington Catholic Herald – A time of transition – Annotated This is a bittersweet essay.  I read it after just getting back from an amazing long weekend on Lake Michigan with five of my children, while my oldest has opted to go on vacation with another family in another part of the country. And it will probably always be thus.

    My Aunt Dot has had similar situations happen to her with her own children and endured it with grace – with joyful gratitude.  Oh that I can learn to do the same.  tags: Catholic domestic church family

    • There is a moment or two (though for some it seems more like an eternity) just before a baby is born that is intense and painful. For many women, it’s the hardest thing they’ve ever done. Very often, in the moment, a laboring mother will tell you that she can’t possibly do this task before her. A good midwife will remind the mother at that point that she is very close, indeed, to holding her baby. And so she is. The stage is called “transition” and it is marked most often by intensity and pain. It is followed by the sweetest joy a woman can know. And the pain? Remarkably, it disappears.
      What the new mother doesn’t know is that “transition” will repeat itself throughout her baby’s childhood. There will be intensity and pain and then she will most definitely push her dear child into another world. What she doesn’t know is that, unlike that first transition, the ones that follow don’t end with a baby safely snuggled at her breast. With every subsequent transition in their life together, that baby will move further from her. That’s what is meant to be.
    • His world will expand to include new people, new places, new relationships. She wants those things for him. She wants him to reach and to grow, to learn and to love. Still, it hurts. And in the quiet of an August night, she acknowledges in a whispered prayer that she wishes it didn’t have to be. She wishes they could just breathe together in the warm quiet after the hard work of birth. She wishes she could hold his hand as he walks on tentative, toddling feet, both of them secure in her ability to keep him from falling. She wishes to soak up the pure delight of his being just a little longer. She has loved all the springs and all the summers with a joyful gratitude.
      It’s August though, and nearly September. With a sigh and a prayer destined to be oft-repeated, she turns resolutely toward the autumn sun.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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