My Daily Domestic Clips 07/21/2010 (a.m.)

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  • Key Events & Causes: War of 1812 tags: homeschool highschool middleschool history
  • SparkNotes: The War of 1812 (1809-1815): Review Test tags: homeschool highschool middleschool history
  • Obama: Mr. Incredible – Annotated Remember the uproar when Obama said that illegals wouldn’t be covered and someone yelled, “you lie!”

    Well turns out… he did lie! tags: currentevents healthcare obama areyousorryyet?

    • Moreover, the possible consequences of the bill are making many wake up and take note.
    • When critics of the legislation alleged during the debate that the enforcement of its many provisions would vastly increase the power of the IRS and empower tax collectors to go where they had never gone before, administration spokesmen reacted in outrage. The president’s critics, they charged, were not just wrong, but lying to scare people.
    • It turns out that the critics were dead right and that if there was any lying going on, they weren’t the guilty ones. In the days since passage, we have learned that the IRS will have to hire literally thousands of new agents, auditors and analysts to make sure everyone required to buy into the program does so and to catch those who violate its many provisions as well as to collect the data that will be required of small businesses to help the government collect new taxes to pay for the scheme
    • The result is that small-business owners who were promised they would benefit from the new law are up in arms as they discover that they will in fact be targets of an IRS planning to impose even more regulations on the way they operate.
    • The healthcare bill as passed and signed into law prohibits illegals from buying into the so-called healthcare exchanges that will be established under the law and denies even temporary legal immigrants access to Medicaid unless they’ve been here for five years. Hispanic Caucus leaders are now charging that the administration specifically promised to eliminate these and other restrictions and are vowing to hold the president and congressional Democratic leaders to that promise.
    • Under the Obama plan, of course, Medicaid has been expanded and something like half of all illegals in the country would qualify if the restrictions written into the law are removed, increasing the costs of a program that is already expected to exceed the estimates publicized by the administration before its passage by tens of billions of dollars.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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