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1. Comments. A lady I was disagreeing with this week told me that if I wanted to have discussion on my blog, I should open comments. A friend in real life yesterday told me that she couldn’t figure out how my comments worked and a couple weeks ago someone told me that they were e-mailing me because they couldn’t get into my comment section. ????????

See, back in the day when Blogger didn’t have comments I had no choice but to put in a separate commenting system and I put in Halo Scan, because that seemed to be what almost everyone was using. A year or so ago Halo Scan was bought up by JS Kit and the Echo system, so if I wanted to save all of my old comments from the beginning, I had to go with them. I actually don’t have a problem with them and I double checked my controls and I even have it so that people can sign in with Facebook, Friend Feed, Twitter, Yahoo, Google Friend and Yahoo or even with their old HaloScan or JS Kit account. And I do have some people who comment.

I guess bottom line is I am open to comments, I have arranged my settings to accept comments as opening as possible. Not sure what else I can do – I have Blogger comments on my other blog and I’m not particularly impressed with them. I think folks will like JS Kit if they give it a try.

2. Speaking of the lady I was disagreeing with – when I asked her whether we would have had two more pro-choice supreme court justices if Obama had not won the election she said,

“Would we have two POTENTIAL problem judges- sure- no one knows how a justice will rule until they hit the court- ask Reagan. Kennedy upheld Roe. So far the court is pretty conservative as it stands.”

Considering the vote was 5 to 4 for the second amendment last week, I hardly think you could say the court is “pretty conservative.”  I think you could say it is “barely conservative.”

And while I agree with  her that you never know how a justice will rule (David Souter comes to mind), I wondered, have we ever had a pro-abortion or liberal justice unexpectedly vote pro-life?  I can’t think of a single time, but I’d love to hear of instances that I may have missed.

FYI, Jean Heimann has tons of info on Elena Kagan here.
and Sonia Sotomayer here.

3.  I find this new comedy for next fall offensive on so many levels. During the deepest recession (depression) with double digit unemployment, whatever made the NBC execs think a program about outsourcing jobs to India was a good idea, let alone funny?!

4.  I got a bad vibe from LeBron James last night, and not just because he is leaving Cleveland.  I have mentioned on this blog before that I have a bit of intuition about things and I was getting all kinds of flags during his announcement last night and from clips I heard on the radio today.  I find it odd that he mentioned getting guidance from his mother, but never mentioned his girlfriend or his two children with her. He talked about himself in the third person and he talked a lot about “Making LeBron” happy.  My sense is that something is not right in his private life. Time will tell.

5.  So I have been trying to get into the habit of praying at least morning prayer with the Divine Office.  It strikes me how often the office mentions how short life is.

Here is Psalm 39 from Wednesday Week II.

You have given me a short span of days:
my life is as nothing in your sight.
A mere breath, the man who stood so firm,
a mere shado, the man passing by
a mere berath, the riches he hoards,
not knowing who will have them.

I think once you get over 50 and don’t have any more parents these types of words resonate more with me.  I want to do something worthwhile during what’s left of my “short span of days.”

6.  Speaking of parents, I really am irritated with the show Raising Sextuplets on WE Tv.  The Masche Family is a little like the Gosselin Family. There  were infertility problems, and through infertility treatment they conceived and bore sextuplets.  I saw a little of the first season and was captivated. The babies are cute, Jenny Masche is sweet and her husband seemed like a likable teddy bear of a guy.  Plus they had tons of help from all four grandparents!  It seemed like the biggest problem was having Bryan lose a few pounds and dealing with all of the kiddies.

But this season took a dark turn.  Bryan decided he needed to be happy, he needed to pursue his dream, and apparently he can only do it by moving his family across the country to Florida. Jenny went from sweetness and light to clueless Stepford wife, talking about not wanting to break the hearts of the grandparents but going along with Bryan’s move anyway. Apparently this has already happened in real time, but it makes me sick to think about it. 

I get a bad vibe from them too on a lot of levels.  I think Bryan Masche has a lot more in common with LeBron James than just a move to Florida!  Again, time will tell.

7.  And on a light note, some of my favorite pictures from swimming classes.
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